chapter twenty-two

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Of course.

Those words ring through my head while I'm in Aaron's place, where he's taking me home after my impeccably long day. My head usually is in so much pain like it's throbbing after I cry.

But it isn't, my head feels a little cloudy but overall no pain, no aching pain where I feel sick. It just feels a little misty, maybe the reason I don't have a headache is from the peanut butter ice cream I had. I don't really know.

My gaze flickers to Aaron, his eyes focused on the road. I take the time to outline his side profile with my eyes. His nose is like a slope, completely straight. His jawline is so sharp it could cut wood. The side of his eyes outlines a shade darker blue.

His parents must be like models because I'm sitting here wondering why he isn't on a fucking runway in Milan or something.

Who would've known such a random guy I sat beside on a bench while eating  Mcdonald's would be one of my most specialist friends.

Friends with the opposite sex, without y'know, sex.

 I've never gotten this close to someone in such a short amount of time. This was a first for me.

I let him in to see a bit of the fuckery that goes on in my head, and he hadn't run away screaming. So that's a definite win in my books.

I told Sienna all that shit when I was drunk from a frat party in our first week actually here. I would've never told her but my drunk self said 'let's spill our guts and hope for the best!'

When I realized what I had done I panicked, real bad. Would she tell others? Would this shit spread around campus like wildfire? What would people think of me? Those were the questions that were running through my head when I realized what I'd done. People thought I was wild, not a miserable girl who gets drunk to talk about her feelings.

Sienna promised to keep her mouth shut, she said she understood. She wouldn't snitch or use it for some petty shit. I trusted her on that.

"Iris," Aaron says softly like he knows that there'd be a whirlwind of thoughts in my head.

My gaze flickers back to him, "Which place do you want to go back to?"

Place? Why does he say it like there are two? He got his apartment on campus with Jadon, I thought that's where we're going.

"What?" I replied, did I hear that right? Or was that the stupid bitch in me talking?

"We can either go to my house or my apartment on campus." His eyes flicker to me before going back to focusing on the road. "It's your choice."


Actually, no. I shouldn't be surprised when this fucker– in the best connotation fucker could be used in— pulled up to a Maserati car dealership and has a one-hundred-fifty-five-thousand dollar car.

I'm also a bit curious to see what his house looks like, okay that's a bit of a lie. I'm very curious about his family life now.

"Your house," I answer, "I want to see where Aaron Hendrix grew up." I know quite a bit about him like his dog Sawyer,  how he is childhood friends with Jadon, he went to finishing school, how he's a fan of Chase Atlantic, how he once bought dehydrated marshmallows off of Amazon, how he loves reading, but more specifically he adores The Book Thief.

But personal family relations, he's barely ever really mentioned it. I mean I can't judge him. I'm closed off when it comes to that shit too but you know. It's just that he seems perfect. He's classy, a touch sarcastic, but overall a sweetheart.

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