chapter three

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Last night was wild as fuck. Let's do it again soon?

I stare blankly at the text I received from ... umm. Jack? Or was it John? The contact name is just a number-- I think I gave the guy I got with last night my number somehow. Or maybe he got it from Alexia? I'm not really that sure.

 I don't like handing out my number often, it's way too personal and I don't do personal.

He also DM'd me on Instagram, five times. After the fourth, I thought maybe he'd take a hint that I'm not head over heels dying for another round or even a date.  His handle is J--something. I don't really care if I'm being honest and I'm going to check it either.

After we hooked up, I got flat-out drunk having to be carried home. Apparently, while I was drunk I kept mentioning some guy who I wanted to see again. 

This guy who I was supposedly slurring about to Alexia, is probably just me wanting to hook up with and nothing more. I'm not really attached to any guy right now and I don't think I ever will be.

I was probably mumbling about the dude I fucked earlier. I'd rate the experience a solid seven out of ten. Or it could just be that I was really tipsy and am lying to myself. I won't be seeing him anytime soon, it's a casual one-and-done.

We went to the local Pub to do a little damage before partying. It's a lovely Pub that Crystal works at where she gets a fifteen percent employee discount. 

What a fucking steal! With our drinks being discounted my ass couldn't help but drink. I took out my fake I.D. and had an absolute field day at the bar. 

Irresponsible? Yes. But I love a good discount or sale, it makes me feel responsible like I'm being financially conscious even though I'm not. Truth be told I drank way too much. My bad.

I sigh, flipping through the notes I took today. My head was aching during the lecture like a motherfucker. Finally, the feeling started to go away after class was finished. The ibuprofen pill I took really picked and chose when to finally kick in.

It's been two weeks since school at UCLA officially started, and somehow I'm already unmotivated. I always manage to hand in my homework on time but that doesn't mean I'm the most enthusiastic about it. 

What was I thinking about choosing Political Science as my major? I'm nothing like my dad. I'm not fucking Elle Woods even though she's like my idol alongside Cher's dad from Clueless. Also if you're questioning why I like Cher's dad, then watch the Goddamn movie, there's nothing not to like about him.

I turn on my portable fan needing the fresh air so I can focus on finishing this assignment. I've managed to do three-quarters of my assignment pretty quickly thanks to my friend Zack. He's a sophomore at UCLA who I met a while back with my bestie Alexia. We met when Alexia and I snuck out to a college party during Halloween while we were still in high school. 

What can I say? High school parties get kind of boring after a while.

Alexia and I dressed up as boxers. Our hair was done in French braids, we wore these silk robes like boxers do in movies and we wore boxing mitts to finish off the look.  Which by the way was such a pain to carry around. Especially during a party with drinks, how was I supposed to take a shot while wearing chunky-ass gloves?

At least I looked hot and I wasn't the only one who thought so, Zack did too. I couldn't help myself. He was a freshman in college and I was a senior in high school. College boys were as good as you could get as a Senior in high school. 

We're mostly friends sans benefits. After that night, it never happened again, he's a good friend and we both wouldn't want to ruin it. My phone's ringtone goes off, and it startles me a little. Alexia's name is displayed across my screen. I accept it and the first thing I hear is Alexia's loud ass screech.

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