Ch. 40 - Lightening & Thunder

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"MICHEAL EUGENE CADE, you better put that box down or so help me," Damien scolded me like I was a little child.

I looked down at the box I was holding in my hands. It wasn't heavy, and I'm pretty sure it contained some of Damien's clothes.

I mean it did have Damien's Clothes written in black on the box.

I put it down with a pout, and I sighed in annoyance.

It has been three weeks since I was released from the hospital. My hand was in a new cast that had little messages from everybody, and my ribs are healing. My body feels fine so I don't know why Damien is acting so overprotective.

It's just a box filled with clothes. I am in the middle of helping Damien move into his new penthouse. Matthew is here helping Lucy with her boxes, but their aunt is at the hospital right now doing a major surgery.

Their new penthouse seems nice, and it feels more warming and welcoming than their old penthouse. I shudder as I thought about the horrible things that happened to them at that penthouse.

Speaking of which, Sara signed over her parental rights as soon as she got the paperwork. She is going away to prison for a few years due to covering up abuse and rape. Brody was charged with rape and multiple other charges, and he won't be getting out anytime soon.

Then when the court day came to see if Charlie could be their legal guardian, the judge signed off on it without hesitation. Charlie seemed sweet and loving, and the twins are enjoying getting to know their aunt.

This is a fresh start for the both of them, and they are both loving it.

"I'm just trying to help," I replied with a pout as I got out of my thoughts.

I sound like a child complaining.

But do I care?

Nope. Not one bit.

Everybody has been acting like I am glass, and I'm tired of it. I want to do things like I used to do. I want to play hockey. I want to reach up and grab something without having to groan in pain due to my ribs. I want to help Damien aka my boyfriend move into his new home.

And I can't even lift a few light boxes without being scolded that I was going to hurt myself.

Now could he be right?

Possibly, but I am just trying to help.

Damien sighed as he walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my neck, loosely. I wrapped my arms around his waist.Then he leaned in, and he kissed me. Every time he kisses me, my whole body lights up in sparks.

He pulled away before saying,"Micheal, I don't want you to hurt yourself. You are still healing."

"So are you," I argued, making him smile.

"But my body is already mostly healed where you are still pretty hurt," He retorted.

"I am totally fine. I can lift a few boxes without hurting myself."

"You are stubborn, you know?" He asked with a playful smile.

My lips started to lift up too as I replied,"Me? Never."

Damien chuckled,"I love you."

"I love you more."

"Not possible, Cade."

I smirked,"Prove it."

Damien gave me a sly smile before kissing me again. Our mouths explored each other as the kiss deepened. We made our way to Damien's bed. We both sat down, and our hands were entangled with each other's body.

Damien slowly pushed me down to the pillows, and he was over top of me, but he left some space so he wouldn't hurt my ribs. He pulled away, but not far away. His face was a few inches away from mine.

His eyes slowly looked at my face, observing my face like it's a painting. Then he kissed my lips once again as his fingers found my shirt buttons. As soon as he had all the buttons opened, he broke the kiss between our lips.

He then kissed my jawline gently before kissing my throat. The kisses felt like magic against my skin.

As he continued to kiss my body, I smiled as I thought to myself.

I never thought I would find my soulmate in New York City. I never thought I would find a person who would do everything and anything to make sure that I'm safe and loved.

If I get injured, he's right there to pick me up. If I get sick, he's right next to me, handing me tissues and hot soup. If I wanted a kiss, he was right there first in line to kiss me. If I want a hug, he's right there to wrap his arms around me and hold me like he's never going to let go.

We are lightening and thunder. We are loud and bright when we are together, and if one of us is hurt or bothered, the other is always there to help and support no questions asked. We are a team; we are a pair. We are each other's soulmates, and not even the universe can tear us apart.

Damien Chase is the lightening to my thunder. 

And I wouldn't want it any other way.


Hey guys!!


I am so emotional that this story is coming to an end!!😭😭

I have enjoyed writing Micheal and Damien's story, and I love them so much!!

Since this is the last chapter, I wanted to ask you guys a question!

What was your favorite #Camien scene throughout this whole book???

⭐️ Vote & Comment ⭐️


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