Chapter Six- In the Distance, From Afar

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        Colin pulled on Jennifer's arm and led her through the town, passing people, as well as Ellie. She lingered a small distance away, enough to follow each turn they took and each alley they went through. Eventually, they ended near the water. Large cliffs kept them from touching the aquatic mass, but they enjoyed the sound and serenity it gave them. Jennifer was the first to sit, followed quickly by Colin who sat beside her. They dangled their legs over the edge but watched as they kicked the wall, pieces of the ledge would break off and fall into the water.

        The section of land they were at, was covered completely in trees. Aside from a small shack that was once used by a groundskeeper. Ellie slowly made her way closer and closer, trying to hear their conversation. Eventually, she rested against a tree and was in perfect earshot.

        "How did you know this was here?" Jennifer asked as Colin and her looked off in the distance toward a lighthouse.

        "I got a map from the bed and breakfast when we got there. I circled the places I wanted to take you. This was one of them..." He said as he placed his hand on top of hers. "I want you to be happy. I can tell you have been anxious lately-don't tell me otherwise..."

        "It's not you-"

        "I know. It's Henry-Thomas..."

        "He can't hurt you."

        "That's not what I'm worried about..."

        "Why, love?" He asked with his hand now upon her cheek.

        "I know he was crazy and dangerous...but he did all that because he felt alone. That's incredibly sad. I feel like it's my fault for leading him on...but I'm mostly terrified he'll come after you...somehow..."

        "He is locked up for life love, there is nothing he can do to hurt me..."

        "He can hire someone..."

        "He doesn't know where we are...Please, just enjoy this trip. Who knows when we'll get time like this again...Just the two of us..." He said as he kissed her neck.

        Ellie rolled her eyes as he did this.

        Eventually, he pulled her from the edge and onto the ground. He placed his hand upon her cheek and looked into her eyes. "I truly do love you. With all I am. However you see me, It's all yours."

        "I love you." She said, taking his lips with hers. They laid there for some time before Colin removed her shirt from her shoulder and kissed it, also exposing part of her breast and kissing that as well. Kissing her over and over again, until he couldn't take it anymore, he looked up for just a moment and saw the shack in the corner of his eye.

        "I think we should go somewhere more private..." He said in her ear as he pulled her up to stand.

        He motioned toward the shack and she willingly followed. But as they went in, Ellie locked them in from the outside. They heard the door click shut and turned to see if they could escape but found it impossible. Colin rushed the door and attempted to break it down, but found it surprisingly sturdy. Jennifer turned to the window just in time to see long red hair and a dress rush past the glass. Giving a side smirk, she turned to Colin.

        "It looks like your girlfriend locked us in here..."

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