Chapter Thirty Two- Plan in Motion

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        Colin and Jennifer watched as the island became quiet. They watched in anxiousness for them to jump into the water but found this to take longer than anticipated. But as they began to grow worried, Maddox held Ellie in his arms as he darted into the water. As he went under, she was on his back and he swam toward the raft. This took long enough for the others to become aware of what was happening. They just entered the water, giving the others a minute or two ahead. As Maddox entered the raft, he quickly tied the rope to the raft and they began sailing away. With Ellie still on his back, they watched as the men pointed their weapons at them. In defense, Maddox flipped the raft to the side to bounce off the bullets and they watched as it went through. By this time, they were some length away and able to be pulled aboard as it was now safe.

        The rope was attached to a pulley that pulled them up aboard. They both threw themselves to the deck and let out a loud sigh. Colin and Jennifer looked anxiously at one another before Ellie jumped up.

        "Oh my God..." She said looking around. "We are on Artifice's of them anyway. They bore black sails and were sailed by men who would not be missed if killed or disappeared..." She said as she looked around in awe. "I bet you I could find out what he is up to-his main plan..."

        "And maybe get us home?"

        "Definitely sooner with this..." She said placing her hand on the ship. She darted below deck before coming back aboard with her arms full of books. "If I am correct. We have a week until we reach any form of safe land. That gives me enough time to read through all of these..."

        "Food and water?" Maddox asked as he too rose to his feet.

        "It is below deck. Enough for a month...maybe even six..." She said focused on the books.

        "And sleeping arrangements?" Colin asked with his hand still upon his side.

        "Four rooms below... I will allow you two the bigger since you are engaged..." Ellie said looking up form her books.

        "How did you-"

        "You two are not very quiet...especially in a shed that echoes..." She said with a smile. "Congrats." She said looking back to the book.

        "Speaking of which..." Colin said searching his pockets. But as he searched, his smile faded. "Bloody hell!" He screamed.

        "What is it?"

        "Your ring...I must have lost it in the water. I had it before we got on the island..."

        "It's alright. I don't need one." Jennifer said kissing her cheek.

        "You deserve one." He said sternly.

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