Chapter Thirty Six- A New Way

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        France. Europe. Two of Seven. Making their way off the boat, they found this town to be incredibly small. Modern businesses lingered in the streets giving off various smells that altogether smelled horrid. They made their way walking through two villages which took all night. Colin and Jennifer laid beside one another as Maddox and Ellie slept separate. Maddox and Ellie were unaware Colin and Jennifer knew about their romance and they planned to keep it that way. Colin awoke in the early hours of the morning to the feeling of rain on his skin. Picking Jennifer up, he carried her under the cover of a tree. As they looked back, they found Ellie and Maddox nowhere to be found.

        "They must have gone ahead because of the storm." he said as a clash of thunder rang in the distance followed by lightning shortly after.

        Colin watched as Jennifer pushed him against the tree slowly and kissed him. Over and over again as their lips retreated then returned to one another. Colin placed his hand behind her neck, supporting it to find her lean back so he had access to her neck. He took this chance and kissed her neck-sucking on the skin that was open to him. He quickly turned her so now she was against the tree and kissed down her chest before he began to open her shirt. Moving three buttons down, Maddox cleared his voice. Colin moved from Jennifer as she buttoned up those undone buttons.

        "We thought you left." Jennifer said blushing fifty shades of red.

        "Well we didn't." He said, glaring at him. "We went ahead to see how far it was. And to look for transportation...."

        "And?" Colin asked, frustrated.

        "We found a plane."

        "How in the hell did you get a plane?"

        "We exchanged gold. One-hundred pieces for non-stop transportation where we wanted to go."

        "What about the research?"

        "Ellie and I went back and got it. It is already on the plane. What we couldn't or didn't want to take, we burned or threw in the water. Either way it is destroyed."

        "It will only take half the time now-if not less." Jennifer said excited. "The sooner we can get home!" she said tugging at the collar of his shirt. Kissing him quickly, she followed Maddox in the rain until they made it to the plane.

        "What about Philippe?" Jennifer asked as she boarded the plane.

        "His castle is a one-hour flight from here.." He said as he made eye contact with Ellie who quickly shifted her gaze as well.

        "Off to the castle." Ellie said, sitting on one side of the plane with Maddox and Jennifer and Colin sat on the other, looking out the window.

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