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You woke up to the sound of knocking at the door of your room. You looked over to your alarm clock. 10.00. You thought you were seeing stuff as you knew you had training. "Y/n" the knocking continued. "Yeah,come in." Nat opened the door slightly and popped her head out. "You alright?" she asked. "Why wasn't i woken up for training." Nat gulped nervously. "Now don't get angry." she started. You raised an eyebrow. "Peter told us what happened last night and we just wanted you to rest." You huffed and fell back to your bed taking your hands and scrunching your hair. " UGHHHH!!!!" "THATS SO EMBARRASSING NAT!" you sighed even louder. Nat didn't say anything. Your hands fell to your side. "What did he say?" you said softly almost like you gave up. "All he said was that everything just  hit you and you just broke down." You sighed tucking your tongue under your teeth. "Look, everyone understands and they don't care, we all know it's difficult, i mean your starting school tomorrow."  You forgot about that last part. You moaned loud internally. Nat got up and sat now beside you. She tuffled your hair. "Come on, breakfast." she said before dragging you out and taking you into the kitchen. In the kitchen was only Steve and Peter. Pete and Steve both looked at you and smiled. You tilted the right side of your mouth to give a little half smile dropping it as soon as you did it. You walked over to Steve at the kitchen island. He patted your shoulder. You gave him a little smile and you put on the kettle. Nat and Steve sat down on the couch. You looked at Peter with wet hair. "Sorry" he said. You walked up to him going around the island. You hugged him. "Thank you" you said. He hugged you back. His warmth relaxing you and his wet hair after his shower on your shoulder. While hugging, Tony walked in and you saw him while Peters back was turned to him. He smirked and raised his eyebrows twice. You bit your lip trying to hold in your laugh.You got out of hug smiling to Peter "Thank you". He smiled back to you. You looked again at his lips. Ugh they looked so soft. One day mabye, you'll be able to kiss him. Not now though. You walked away and went over to the kettle, starting to make yourself tea. Tony came over to you and grabbed a bowl from the cupboard. He winked at you. You rolled your eyes. Tony grabbed cereal and poured himself a bowl. "Peter my lab, 10 mins" Peter nodded. "Actually Y/n, you too. New prototype on the suit." "Cool" You said before Tony leaving to his lab. You made your tea and drank it quickly. You ran to your room and put on normal clothes instead of pajamas and quickly rushed off to Tony's lab.

Arriving at Tony's lab. You peered your head through the door to see Tony swiping a holographic board infront of him. Everything was so disoriented yet clean and slick. The whole room filled with gadgets and machines, it was like being in a sci fi movie. Tony noticed your arrival and swiped the hologram away from him. Tony walced over to you. He smiled once again and raised his eyebrows. "So....Peter huh?" He smiled. You scoffed. Tony laughed. "Don't worry he's too innocent to notice anything." he said. You both smiled. "So!, new suit. Try it on see how it works., Yeah?" he said. "Sure,Woah!" you said amazed. "This is too cool." you said gazing at your new suit.

(honestly this is just what i would like to have, but use it as a layout of you'd like

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(honestly this is just what i would like to have, but use it as a layout of you'd like.) make sure to keep the base colour the same as your powers.) 

You were beamed with excitement you without hesitation, ran to try it on. It was so tight yet complemented your body, it was slick and easy to move around in. The cape was a nice added touch that made you look more powerful,your gloves perfectly harnessed your powers to control them better and finally your mask to keep your identity was slick and dark. You had so many different emotions going on. You were so happy and scared. You ran out to Tony to show him. Sprinting to Tony he was with Peter. They both looked up at you. "Woah!" Peter said in awe. You beamed a smile caressing  your fingers to show off some (colour) light. Your eyes also glowing the colour. You passed your fingers towards Peter and Tony, the light orb you sent went around and passed Peter before dissolving. Peter gazed at you. You ability to harness this energy amazed him. He thought you were so cool. "I love it,Tony, Thank you so much!" you said so grateful. Tony smiled. Flexing your hands more and caressing your fingers. Another one if those bad headache kicked in. Throwing your hands on your forehead. You groaned in the pain. Peter came to your aid holding you upstraight. "Shit" you moaned. You flexed your fingers again on your forehead. Your energy didn't change anything. Your headache got worse. Peter laid you on the floor holding your hand. He was so worried. "Mr.Stark!!!" Peter screamed. You were in so much pain. You groaned, "Get wanda" "Tony and Peter both ran out of the lab. "WANDA!!!" The two guys screamed. Your headache was like the loudest ringing noise in history. Each second you were in more pain. But then, Suddenly, the ringing stopped. You opened your eyes. You were no longer in Tony's lab. You were in a field of flowers. The sun was shining, there were birds chirping. The grass was soft and covered with flowers of every colour. You looked up at the blue sky. The lush hills of flowers, it relaxed you. You sighed in relief of the headache that just left your brain. Realising what had just happeded, you struck yourself up. Looking around you in circles.
"Hello". A raspy voice spoke from behind you. Scared to death, your head jolted behind. Standing infront of you was a man. He was tall. He wore blue drapes hooded over by a red cloak and a single amulet shaped like an eye. He wore a goatee. Scared out of your mind you quickly threw your hands down to your said, fleecing your energy, to get ready to fight. Although you have little experience. The man looked at your hands. He tilted his hands, investigating your energy. He smiled and signalled you to put your hands down. You didn't budge. He clicked his fingers. Your energy just disappeared. "What the-"  you said in confusion. "The names Dr.Stephen Strange, We need to talk."

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