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"Why didn't you kill me?" you cried softly at Thanos. "I need your stone." He sighed. You looked around. Thanos teleported you both to an eerie place. It was cold and dark. The floor was covered in purple sands. There were three suns setting. "What is this place."  you asked. "It's a planet called MiDi." he said softly. You fell to the floor, you were so tired. Thanos sat down next to you. "Why here?" you said defeated. "This is where the stone resided for years. Until i found it." He looked at you. "It was the first stone i tried to find because of its power. I hired a stupid man to get it, he claimed it disappeared. So i banished him here until he found it. Suppose he was right since you have it. How?" He said. "I just found it. It was speaking to me." you hesitated. "Mhm. They speak to me too." he replied. "If you tried to kill my boyfriend to get the stone why haven't you just killed me to get it.....I'm just one more." you said. "I'm not a complete monster." he said getting up. You chuckled sarcastically. "Half the universe and your not a monster." "My children are dead. I need help, just till one more." "I'm not helping you." you snapped. "You are powerful. I promise if you help me, i will make sure you and your loved ones will be ok." Thanos said getting closer to you. "No! I-" you said before you stopped. You realised that the other stones were with teh avengers and you could help them take down Thanos. "I'm not helping you." you said again. "We can go back to Titan, I can get your boyfriend." he said. Your heart sank. "Fine." you said quickly. "You said you knew someone that would get my stone. Who was it?" you asked in defeat. Thanos opened up a portal and took out of it a man. The man grunted as he hit the floor. He looked almost human but not.He turned around "NO NO NO!" he said trying to get away. "He was supposed to get the stone." Thanos said softly. "Just know you did not help the universe......or me." Thanos said before grabbing the man and strangling him. "THIS BOY HAS THE STONE!!" Thanos screamed. "I TOLD YOU IT WAS MISSING."The man scrounged for air hitting thanos' arms trying to get out. You could tell Thanos did not like this man. " Your gonna help us after this." Thanos grunted.Thanos threw the man back in the portal. "I hate xandarians.....He is one of the most skilled magical surgeons in the world. He will be able to get the stone from you when we're finished.  "Come on." He said opening another portal.  You could see through it that it was Earth. Your heart pounded as you walked in with the Mad Titan.

As you stepped into the portal you felt nothing, your brain could not comprehend how walking these few steps took you back to Earth. The earthy smell and cold air comforted you a little as you have been in space for a while.  You looked around. It wasn't anywhere you knew. there was nature and greenery. It was hot. Turning around you see people in the distance and big structures. Looking closer you saw people you recognised. "Y/N!!!???" you heard Cap scream. "You know them?" Thanos asked. you blasted Thanos before blasting off trying to fly over to the Avengers. Thanos sighs in annoyance. "Of course they know them." he sighs. "Cap! Nat!" you shouted seeing them relieved. "Omg Nat! i can't we were in space and we met aliens then he came and tried-" you gasped. "Stop y/n! it's ok. You need to focus." she stopped you looking at The mad Titan. You looked at him too. Your heart started beating hard. You looked at him with fear You saw him the man who held Peters neck. You then got filled with anger. Cap and other avengers charged at Thanos. Nat told you to stay there while she ran. You couldn't tho. You started running. Nat pushed you away. "STAY HERE" she screamed. You watched as Thanos blasted all the avengers one by one away. He walked towards vision on the floor Wanda started to blast Thanos away. You knew Wanda was powerful so you thought she would hold him back. But Thanos continued walking.
Getting closer and closer to Wanda eventually blasting him away. You blasted away at Thanos in a second he blasted you away into a tree, hurting your back.Wanda cried as vision closed his eyes. Then it happened, a blast of yellow surrounded everyone. Visions stone was broken, 'oh my god.' you thought to yourself. Thanos didn't seem fazed. You were so confused why not. Thanos walked over to Wanda. Placing his hand on her head. Thanos then started using Dr strangers stone. The yellow blast came back to vision. The stone was back. Thanos grabbed Vision by the neck. Placing his gauntlet on his forehead he ripped the stone from his now dull android body. Wanda screamed as Thanos blasted her away. Thanos placed the stone on his glove, he groaned in pain as the stones energy surged his body. He looked at his fist "5" he said before he looked at you. "Y/N!!!!" Nat and Cap screamed. Thanos blasted all the avengers away. You struggled to get up, you started channeling all your energy into your hands blasting a giant beam of power straight to Thanos. He struggled to walk but it didn't stop him he continued walking to you. You flew up and started blasting him with all you could. Fear and anger took over your body. He grasped his hand. You stopped moving, you were stuck still. He then pulled you over with his power and your throat was now in his hand. He clenched lightly, you couldn't breath. "give me the stone." he screamed. He chocked you. You were kicking trying to get out. His grasp didn't allow you to get air and you could feel yourself blacking out. As your body was no longer getting oxygen you passed out, as you passed out your stone gently fell out of your head, hitting the floor lightly. Thanos looked confused. He gently dropped you picking up the stone in disbelief. He done it, he got all teh stones. He screamed in pain as the six singularities surged through his body. All of a sudden Thor comes charging at him with his new hammer and goes straight into his chest. Thor stabs the hammer into his chest cavity as Thanos screams. "You should've gone for the head." Thanos says. He snaps his fingers.........

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