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"Y/n............Wake up Y/n" You we're startled. You saw Steve hovering beside you. "You looked at the alarm clock as you fixed yourself up. It read 6:00. "It isn't training is it?" you said rubbing your eyes. "No, em i just thought mabye you would like to go on a run or something." Steve said softly. You stared at him still half asleep. "Sure, why not." you sighed. You got up. Steve gave a little smile you could tell he was hoping you would say yes. You got your runners on and got into rubbing gear still half asleep. Steve brought you down to the court. It was dusk. It was beautiful. The windows of HQ glistened against the sun. The trees waved in the air as the sun rose up and up. Steve started stretching and you started copying him because you had no idea how to stretch properly. He thought it was charming, Although it wasn't you just didn't have any idea what you were doing. Steve started jogging on the spot. "Ready",he spoke. You nodded smirking. Steve started jogging. You followed close behind. Steve started speeding up. So did you. It was a beautiful scene. The sky was orange and pink. Steve was now gaining distance. You still running, you were losing breath. You now couldn't see properly. "On your left." Steve spoke while pacing past you. You now were jogging holding your side with a terrible stitch. "On your left." Steve spoke again. "Shut up" you shouted but he was too far ahead. You grunted. "On your left" He spoke again. You were now too tired to say anything. "On your le-" He spoke but was interrupted by you now hovering infront beside him. You were using your powers. You smirked and raised your eyebrow. You were going at Steve's speed. This was good for practice. You were now hovering like wanda, pacing pass him now. Steve was now out of breath and was now down at his knees. You passed him. "On your right." you smirked before slowing down and now standing beaide steve. Steve looked up at you. "Nice, but not exercise." he laughed. You helped him up. "Yeah steve i'm heading to bed for about 20 mins, i'm too tired for this." you said before walking off. Steve now ran after you laughing. You ran not wanting him to get you. You were like a bunch of children running after eachother. He ran you into HQ and up the stairs into your room. You jumped into your bed and Steve ran in after you. You both were laughing now. "There, Y/n exercise." Steve said before bowing and leaving your room laughing. You looked over to your alarm clock. 6:43. " 15 mins." you groaned turning over in your covers.

BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!! "SHUT UPPPPP!!!" You screamed slamming your alarm. You didn't hesitate to get up and get ready As you were wide awake from your run. You got into some baggy jeans and a (infinity stone colour) jumper to match your powers. You grabbed your bag and we're on your way to the kitchen. You entered the kitchen, only Nat and Tony occupied it. They saw you come in. Nat came in for a hug while Tony said. "Do you wear (colour) just because of the stone or..?" You laughed sarcastically. Nat still hugging you. You and Nat were now swaying. You chuckled. "I heard you and Steve." Tony laughed. "Oh yeah, we went in a run, it was fun." you nodded as Nat left the hug. "Here, lunch." Nat said handing you a bag. You mouthed 'thank you'. "I'm gonna bring you up ok?" Nat stated. "Great." you smiled. "Tea or Coffee Y/n?" Tony asked. "Thank you, and em tea please." you said as you sat at the kitchen island. Nat sat beside you. She tugged your hair behind your ear. "You sleep well?" she asked. "Sleep, yes. Well i don't know." you stated. She laughed. "Cheers Tony." You said as he handed you a mug of tea and a banana. "Right i'm just going to get changed." Nat said as she walked to her room. You sipped your tea. DING! Your phone went off. 'A text?, i never gave anyone my number.' you thought to yourself. The text read:
>Hey Y/n it's Peter, i'll meet you at school k?

You looked at Tony. He wore the biggest smirk ever. You bit your tongue smiling. "Why!!" you laughed. "Ah come on, you should be thanking me." he laughed sipping his coffee. "He is straight don't y'a know, Tony." you said. "What makes you so sure?" he asked clenching his eyes. You sighed. "He just is ok." Tony put up his hands as in ok. "So your gay then?" Tony asked. "SHHH!" you shushed him. "Sorry, Sorry." he said really sorry. "Well i don't know but i'm definitely not straight," you said. He nodded. "And that's totally fine, Y/n." He said. You thanked him.

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