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Do you ever wish that you belonged somewhere else? That you had another life-- a before? My husband asks that constantly, normally after having one of his more particular dreams. I can't say I don't blame him, these days my dreams were scattered between memories of years prior when N.E.L.O.S. still existed. It hadn't ended with that fight, in fact, it was another four years until the organization would be completely taken down. Allie had led the takedown herself for the years after Bleddyn and I disappeared.

I had retired from my villainy work when Bleddyn received an internship impossible to turn down in Florence. With no more connections in the States, I went with him. It was the best decision I had ever made. We have been in Italy for five years now, and not once have we gone back.

Bleddyn was already awake when I woke up that morning. I walked into the kitchen as he handed me a warm cup of tea. "Morning, Darling," I say, breathing in the coffee.

"Love," he responded. "How did you sleep?"

"No different than these past nights. You?"

"It is quite odd. But at least I can tell myself I don't have to worry about graduate school any more." Lex jumped on the counter and purred as I scratched his head.

"What happened last night? Anything different?" I asked Bleddyn.

"Yes actually, there were aliens this time." He laughed while sipping his coffee.

"You're really pulling out all the tropes? I must ask what exactly is wrong with your head?"

"Darling, I'd have to ask you," Bleddyn laughed. "For one, you married me. For another, you're the actual doctor here."

"Well Doctor Bird, I'd have to disagree." Bleddyn had just received his Ph.D. in Classical Architecture. "There are two doctors in this house." I lean in and kiss him. "Now, you have a class to go teach. Go be the hot professor you are."

"And you go finalize those findings from your most recent study. I'll see you for lunch?" We both smile at each other.

"Obviously, have a lovely day, Darling."

"Same to you, Love." I smiled as he left. I didn't need to be at the lab for an hour.

So do I wish I belonged anywhere else? No, I could never. My life is here. My love is here. There are no superheroes in this world, and I am no supervillain, not anymore. There are just humans with intriguing imaginations.

I belonged here, with all my dreams becoming a reality.


The dream last night had been more interesting, more intense than normal. It was probably the stress of the previous year causing my brain to fire off weird ideas.

Because I knew one thing, I was no longer Erebus. I could never return to being who I was before Elliot. The dreams didn't help the healing though. It had been years but both of us still regretted our past actions.

Elliot came out of the bedroom about forty-five minutes after I did. I could tell he was off-kilter. The nightmares had been particularly bad last night.

Did I ever wish it had all been a dream? No, graduate school was hard. I overworked myself, I nearly died multiple times, and my best friend was kidnapped right in front of my eyes. But even through all of the tragedy, I would not ask for a different life than the one I have lived. I could never give up Elliot or Lex or our home in Florence, not for anything.

I kissed my husband goodbye and left for my morning class.

Thank you for reading.

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