Chapter 4

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I didn't fall asleep that night, too much was racing through my mind. I couldn't shut off my brain, it was as if my brain was being eaten bit by bit by butterflies and it kept screaming out at me to do something about it. 

Graphic, I know, but accurate.

The images that flashed in my brain were full of mocha eyes and the whisps of black waves that always fell into his face whenever his ponytail loosened a little bit. 

Yes, there were more important things that should be going through my mind, like how the hell do I defeat Erebus when he never ever wants to fight me?!

Honestly, it's really insulting.

I slammed my fist onto my next project, and hurl the plans into the trash can. 

"It's not good enough," I mutter to the empty room, "it's never good enough!"

I growl again, I had been staring at that paper, the one currently wadded up in the trash can, for four hours. It was nearing midnight and I could no longer stand being suffocated by my apartment.  

What happened to me? In Evil Graduate School, I was at the top of my game. I was top of my class. I even scored "Least Likely to Get Caught and Thrown Away in Prison" as my superlative. I had turned out to be an utter failure.

To make it worse, I knew it.

It was all getting to me, I was going soft, too soft. I didn't know why. Would I ever? Most likely not.

It was time for a midnight walk across the empty streets of this small town. Maybe Erebus would be out, maybe we could spar a bit, get my mind off things. Maybe. 

I grabbed my leather coat and walked out of the apartment. 

Or maybe Lex was right, I might just need more fresh air.


The night shift at the 24-hour coffee shop I worked at on the weekends was always one of the most relaxing times of my week; mainly because there were never any people in the cafe between the hours of nine and five on Fridays and Saturdays.

It was nearing midnight, and I was alone in Cafe Caffeine and I was on my third coffee of the night.

If you think that I am a bad superhero for not constantly patrolling the city, then you can just shut up, superheroes have rent to pay too; besides, my suit is in the back just in case.

My mind would not stop repeating the instance I had earlier today-- or would it be yesterday? I just wish that I could, just focus on my term paper instead of those eyes, but as luck would have it, the only thing that I could focus my attention on was the latter.

I checked my phone: 12:02 am, You have 1 unread message from Chloe.

Chloe was my best friend since--well forever-- and she was the only person who knows I am Erebus-- because she came up with the name-- and the only person who knows about my very interesting attraction to Doctor Nihilistical.

She was most likely asking whether or not I was alright after today's class and the talk with Doctor Hutchenson.

But she also knew I had work tonight, so it was okay that I ignored it.

The Overly Complicated Life of a (Self-Proclaimed) VillainHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin