Chapter 14

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Bleddyn sipped his coffee in silence after the words left my mouth. “What’s her name?” I asked, changing the subject.

His gaze shifted from the mug. “Chloe,” he responded.

“Is there any specific reason why she would disappear?” I prodded.


“Did she say or do anything that may have hinted toward it?”

“Are you a detective on the side or something?” I smiled.

“No, just a researcher at the University.” He laughed. “Have you tried tracking her phone?” Bleddyn stared at me. “I’ll take that as a no.” I motioned for his phone, “I can track her phone, assuming you didn’t find it in her apartment?” 

“No, it was gone.”

I, then, began the rather easy process of tracking another person’s phone.

“How did you learn how to do this?” Bleddyn asked, examining me over my shoulder.

“You learn a lot trying to track down a cheating partner,” I replied bluntly. 

Bleddyn remained silent after that, obviously too awkward to delve any deeper. 

“There,” I said, a light smile graced my lips, “do you know where this is?” I showed him the locator map.

“No, not at all,” he began, “but I also cannot think of why she would ever be in Virginia.”

I looked closer at the map. Oh shit. “She was a Classicist like you right?” 


Play it cool, Elliot, he doesn’t have to know.

“Okay, so maybe we should monitor this for a day, let you finish up your exams and we can go down there. See for ourselves.”

His face turned bright red. How adorable.

“Yeah, I like that plan.”

He took his last sip of coffee and I gestured to the mug, “Do you want any more?”

“Thanks, but I probably shouldn’t have another cup if I want any sleep tonight.” I grabbed the mug and went over to wash them both out. 

Virginia had a few N.E.L.O.S. branches. 

James was in town for a few days… 

I stopped my train of thought right there. Thinking of that bastard would only make me angry. I was in no place to be angry right now. 

I was pulled out of my head when I heard Lex pad into the kitchen. I quickly looked over to Bleddyn to find he was engrossed with something on his phone.

“Did anything weird happen today?” I whispered to Lex.

He meowed.

The Overly Complicated Life of a (Self-Proclaimed) VillainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang