Chapter 3

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I ran back into my apartment, ready to tell Lex about what had happened only to see him glaring at me. 

"You were gone for five, maybe ten minutes. Didn't I tell you to never return?"

"Cut the crap, I ran into someone."

"Wow, that definitely doesn't happen every day of our lives." Lex padded across the table. "Who was it?"

"That's just it, I know him, Bleddyn, I know him from somewhere, I just can't place him." I ran a hand through my gelled hair.

"Maybe you saw him in one of those dreams of yours," Lex mumbled under his breath.

"Shut up you stupid feline," I growl back.

"I'm smarter than you, and you know it."

"I'm not having this conversation twice in one week."

"Then stop bringing it up. What was the original issue again?"

"His face!"

"Ah yes, his face. Maybe you went to school together?"

"No, he said something about getting to class so he is in school currently."

I walked through the kitchen, Lex continuing to spout new ideas of where I had seen him before. Falling down onto the couch, I groaned with the realization I have to go to work tomorrow. "Well, you are a supervillain, maybe this dude was a hero you fought."

"He didn't look like he wanted to kill me."

"He wouldn't have known it was you."

Erebus would have known it was me, that's just the kind of hero he is; always knowing what to do in order to save the world.

Bleddyn, now he was a mystery.

I needed to know more about this guy. He just gave me the feeling that I needed to keep my eye on him.

"What are you doing?" Lex nodded his head at me. I had picked up my ten-minute time travel pen. (I created it in grad-school when I needed more time to study-- or get over a bad hangover.) The mechanism gave you the ability to go back in time ten minutes and took ten minutes to recharge, thus creating an infinite loop. While back in time, one did not have the ability to speak or touch another human, thus not interfering with the past. It wasn't perfect, but I did make it in grad-school.

"Going to go back in time, I need to know a little more about him."


I didn't let him finish, for I was whisked away with the click of a pen. 

The instant but brief headache never goes away when time-traveling; that is expected, it goes against so many laws of time and space. I was in my apartment ten minutes prior, right after I would have left. Lex was asleep as I walked out the door and proceeded down the street towards where the incident happened. 

I watched it unfurl once again and focused my eyes on the man. I followed Bleddyn away, ignoring the past me. He walked all the way to the college and into one of the smaller buildings. 

I watched the scene play out, it was a classroom with only five or six other people in it, the walls were plastered with Latin sayings.

Great, he's a Classicist. 

Then the class began, and I had to sit through a majorly boring lecture over the intertextuality and reception from Alexandria to Rome. 

What the hell does that even mean?

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