Chapter 2

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The plan was perfect: all I had to do was build a giant robot that would destroy half the city. That would have to get the attention of Erebus.

I would finally be a known super-villain! I would finally have a shot of infamy!

"You're an idiot," Lex said as he jumped onto the desk and proceeded to trample all the plans I had been working on all day and night.

I let out a squeal of nightmarish melancholy followed by a "What was that for?" 

"To get you out of your head. This is the fifth 'giant robot that will destroy half the city' that you've come up with in the past month. You need some fresh air, new ideas, how long has it been since you have stepped a foot outside of this apartment?" Lex arched his back and proceeded to lay down directly on the work. I swear, this cat.

"Three Days," I muttered, I know that it had been a while but I had been busy.

"I'm still fully convinced you never graduated kindergarten. Now, go outside you lazy ass," Lex meowed, "while I take a cat nap."

"Ha, jokes on you, kindergartners like going outside." Lex did not budge, and so I was left with going outside to get some more coffee. 

I stood from the chair, grabbed my coat, walked out the door, downstairs, and begin to walk down the street to my favorite coffee shop; however, I was met with the rare sight of a line that ran out the door. 

I do not wait for my coffee, it either appears or I get none.

Presumably, classes at the local college just got out and the students are rushing to get their mid-morning cup of caffeine, so instead of joining the masses, I walked straight by my beautiful cafe, finding it hard to ignore the aroma of freshly made coffee.

Coffee was on my mind now, and once coffee is in my mind, it never gets out. I should know, Lex thinks it's a problem. But I could easily argue that my real problem is not looking where I am going. I have proof too, for right at that moment I felt the familiar feeling of bumping into someone.

"Oh sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." I immediately went to grab whatever the man had dropped, but in doing so only bonked heads once more. "Sorry!"

"Ow, sorry." We made eye contact. I couldn't break my eyes away from his. They are the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen in my life: almost the same shade of rich mocha that Erebus has, but more tired. (Yes, I know the exact shade of Erebus' eyes, no it's not because I'm in love with him--like my feline believes, I just try to know these things about my arch-nemesis.)

I can honestly say he is much more beautiful than my nemesis and less likely to kill me too (it seems to be a win-win).

I blinked away my thoughts as I noticed the man was talking, "So anyway, I hope you can forgive my clumsiness. . ."

"Elliot," I reply.

"Elliot." The man smiles and sticks out a hand, "Hello, Elliot, I'm Bleddyn."

I nod in acknowledgment and smile at his posh, yet dopey looking persona. 

Then he suddenly blinked as if he was finally regaining all train of thought. "Oh shit! I have class soon, it was very nice meeting you, but I have to run. See ya'!"

He waved and ran off in the direction I was coming from. I should have kept walking, I know that I was holding up the traffic on the sidewalk, but I could not help the fact that I felt as if I knew who that man is.


I had just set down my keys when I realized that my first class of the day, Intertextuality & Reception from Alexandria to Rome & Beyond, was in ten minutes. I was currently in graduate school, working on my Masters in Classics when I became Erebus. It was one of those things you can't plan: becoming a superhero in the middle of graduate school because someone blackmailed you into saving your family one time.

At first, it was amazing, but as time wore on and I started taking on too much and now I am constantly sick, stressed, and depressed. Nothing really brings me joy, well except one thing: Doctor Nihilistical's evil plans. They are all just so convoluted and strange that it is hard to take him as a serious villain. He and his adorable(-ly evil) black goggles and snow-white, spiky hair seemed to be straight from a comic book.

I could always count on him to make me laugh, I could always count on him to make me smile. (Even if he didn't mean to make me laugh or smile.)

Yes, I am a super-hero who is completely obsessed with his arch-nemesis. No one would see it coming unless you write fanfiction, which I know for a fact exists between us.

(Not because I wrote it.)

In the realm of people who I could be obsessed with, it could have been worse, it could have been an actual serial killer.

My brain kept wandering while walking back towards campus. That is until I ran into someone.

My books went flying, and I moved to pick them up once again but ran into the person once again. "I am terribly sorry, I have been rather busy lately so I didn't seem to be paying attention." I began to spout off apologies but then we made eye contact.

His sunglasses slipped down his nose to the point where I could see his eyes. The exact shade of fiery topaz that I see every night in my dreams.

The eyes of Doctor Nihilistical.

"So anyway, I hope you can forgive my clumsiness. . ."


Elliot. Before I can say anything else, I remember my class I need to get to. I run off towards campus quickly.

I met him, I met Doctor Nihilistical and he didn't even realize what was going on!

Unless he recognized my tattoo, I normally try to keep it hidden under my collar, but a few times I could see it in social media posts. 

But I doubt he would, right?


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