10 Ways To Annoy Haters.

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Sad to say this will be the end of this little story book type thing.....
Okay start over.
Sad to say this will be the end of this lovely little gathering place. I love each and every one of you even though I haven't met any of you....

Y'all are freaking fabulous!

Oh wow you actually said something nice for once.

Hey! Just because I hate you doesn't mean I hate everyone else!

Pfft rude!

Pfft whatever just get on with your little story thing.


10 Ways To Annoy Haters.
(If you hate this then obviously you know who you are. *wink*) (this is how I deal with haters of any kind so others might have better ways.)

1. Hate back just as hard.

2. Troll them! (So funny when they go all caps lock on you hehehe.)

3. Ignore all their hater ways. (Example: Them: "Oh my gosh Brendon Urie is so ugly!" Me: "Oh my gosh I love cats! Wait did you say something?)

4. Sarcasm is a must in all hater situations.

5. Find a sword. Name it kindness. Kill them with kindness. ;)

6. Meme responses, my friends. Meme responses.

7. Blocking them is a fast and easy route for ignoring the haters. ^_^

8. *Slap*


10. Last but not least. Just be you :) because there's always that one person who can't stand true beauty or of course handsomeness.


That about wraps it up! I had such a lovely time writing this and I hope that everyone else has a lovely time reading it!
Farewell my lovely unicorns!


Oh would you just get out of here!

What did I-




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