10 Ways To Annoy Pets.

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10 Ways To Annoy Pets

1. Scare the crap outta them.

2. Shake the treats, but don't give them any. (Dedicated to my mom ;)

3. Put tin foil through the hall. It's a known fact that they will not walk across it. (It'll be in the way XD)

4. Tape cat/dog doors so they cannot get in or out.

5. Put plastic wrap around the bottom of a door frame. (Warn people unless you want to use it as a bonus ;)

6. Spray them with water.

7. Wake them up every time they try to sleep.

8. If they're indoor/outdoor animals, invite them inside/outside but don't actually let them in.

9. Pull their tail.

10. Pretend to throw the toy, but then hide it behind your back. (Confuses them to no end and is hilarious to watch)


'Ello my fellow readers! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Again your votes and comments mean the world to me so don't feel shy! Until next time.

Stay crazy my friends


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