10 Ways To Annoy Parents.

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10 Ways To Annoy Parents.

(Probably not the best idea to try this XD)

1. Repeat what they say for no reason.

2. Leave your clothes on their doors, chairs, ect.

3. If you're told to fold your laundry through it in a big pile and say it is folded.

4. Knock on their door constantly for no reason. Example: "I need water." (submitted by my awesome best friend)

5. Take their seat.

6. Eat their food when they're not looking. (I do this to my dad all the time XD)

7. Wear their clothes around the house when you have guests.

8. Stick notes on their backs. Wether it is a nice note or a funny note doesn't matter. (original I know XD)

9. Respond to them with animal noises. Example: "Are you hungry?" "Meow" "Wh-" "WOOF!"

10. Lay on top of them at random times. Example: lay on them while they read.


Hello my beautiful readers! How was your day? Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have an awesome filled day!


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