10 Ways To Annoy Anyone, The Movies.

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I've been requested to keep this going hehe so this is for PiercedTheAvenged_
For requesting!
How lovely
I know right?! They're all lovely people!
They're not lovely people, they're lovely unicorns.
Oh hush, it's the same thing.
No it's not!
Yes it is!
Stop there and let me correct it, I wanna live my life in a new perspective. *flips hair*
Urgh sometimes I wish I had a more normal conscience
Well you're stuck with me so sucks to be you!
...shut up

On with the chapter!!


1. Side comments. Just, side comments.

2. Order tons of food. (Makes them wait longer to get their stuff hehe)

3. Hog the chairs. (Example: *set coat down in one side, other things in other seats. "Is this seat taken?" "Uh yeah? My coat is there!"

4. Obnoxious noises! Who doesn't love obnoxious noises!

5. Stand up when something happens in the movie! (Example: *dog dies* *stands up* "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!"

6. Use the chair in front of you as a foot rest!

7. Text someone during the movie! (Best if sound is on and brightness is all the way up.)

8. Be loud when moving around/ leaving the room during the movie.

9. Take a few friends along and talk throughout the movie! Annoys anyone close to you and anyone else who can hear you!

10. Play a game on your phone/ another device. Also, make noises while doing so. (Example: Grunts, snorting, grumbling, etc.)

All and all pretty much any noise you make during a movie there is a 99.99% chance it is annoying someone! So have fun with this!!! (Molly is not responsible for any beatings that may happen after you carry out any of these ways hehehe.)


Bye lovely people!
Unicorns don't exist!
That got you to shut up didn't it?!
Are you a manure spreader?
'Cause you're spitting out a bunch of crap.
Oh my...
Bye lovely unicorns!


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