HQ verse! Dick x fem!reader

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HQ stands for Harley Quinn. Been watching the show lately and I'm obsessed with Dick's personality.

Y/n's pov~

Finally here. Gotham City. A long ways from Mexico where I was doing recon for Bruce. I came back because i haven't heard from him in a while and i saw on the new that Gotham was going to shit and being ran by villains so I came back to see that everything was normal??

"Why the hell am i here?" I asked myself out loud.

"Miss l/n!" I heard someone say. I turn to see it was Alfred. I smiled and ran to hug him.

"Oh my god It's been so long!" I said happily. I stepped away to see that he didn't bring the car he normally has but it was a cab. "Uh what happened to your car?"

"Oh Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy stole it." He explained. So the rumors are true. Harley and Ivy are a thing. Good for them. "They stole it when I was picking up Master Grayson and he called it. He's also in the cab."

"Dick's here too? Are you kidding me?" I groaned. I can't stand Dick. Every-time I see his face, i just want to punch it(and make out with it) but that's not the point. He's such a dick, literally! I got into the cab sitting in the middle while Alfred sat on my right and Dick on my left.

"Hey gorgeous! Haven't seen you in a while. How come you never text me?" Dick asked while putting his arm around me. I groaned and shoved his arm off.

"Because I don't like you." I stated.

"You can't still be upset over that one thing, right y/n?" He smirked. I didn't say anything after that. Of course I was still upset. It hurt me. A lot. When we were kids, we were best friends until we went into high school where he started to act distant. During the homecoming dance that he was supposed to take me to, he never picked me up. I had to walk to the school myself and I went up to him and asked him why he didn't pick me up. He was around his friends when I confronted him and he had to play the popular role and ask me who I was and why would a nobody like me would even talk to him. After that, I've never talked to him. It was hard because I liked him a lot back then. Even being around him now is making my old feelings come around again but at the same time, I want to curb stomp him. While reminiscing all that, we finally arrived at the manor. We exited the cab and I was able to get my bag out of the trunk. After the cab drove off, Alfred let us in the manor.

"Please make yourselves at home and Master Bruce is expecting you two in the Batcave." Alfred informed us. I nodded and headed upstairs to go into my old room.

"You have a really nice ass." Dick said behind me. I swung my bag at him and it caused him to fall down the stairs.

"Fucking pig!" I shouted at him. I continued to go to my room and as soon as I got into it, I locked the door just in case Dick tried to do some weird shit. After I set my bag down, I started to change into my gear. I put my mask on and headed to the Batcave. When I went inside, I saw Dick talking to a female Batman??? As I got close she saw me and let out a loud shriek.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE SH/N! SO NICE TO MEET YOU!" She hugged me really tight, "I'M BATGIRL. I'M SO HAPPY THAT ANOTHER GIRL IS HERE!" Batgirl shouted.

"Could you um let me go please?" I said.

"Oh my god sorry! I got too excited." She laughed nervously.

"It's okay. I'm y/n l/n also known as sh/n." I held out my hand.

She took my hand and shook it. "Barbara Gordon. Batgirl."

"The commissioner's kid? Does he know?"

"Nah. The old man is clueless." She giggled.

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