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Third-person P.O.V~

Sasha slept soundly with her head on Y/n's chest, who was also sleeping well with his arms wrapped around his girlfriend. Sasha's eyes twitched a couple of times before she woke up yawning. Sasha smiled as he looked at her sleeping boyfriend and kissed his forehead waking him up as he tightened his grip around her as; he smiled before opening his eyes.

Sasha:" Morning, darlin'."

Y/n" Good morning, beautiful."

Sasha blushed before she spoke.

Sasha:" Alright, I have to go get dressed. I'll see you at breakfast."

Y/n left Sasha's room to give her some privacy as she changed before he changed into his clothes before he sat down at the dining room next to Sasha, who was already digging eating the food in front of her.

Hange:" Hey Y/n, why weren't you in our room last night."

Sasha:" Oh, Y/n slept with me last night."

All the women at the table except for Sasha stopped eating and looked at Y/n and Sasha with a mix of anger and frustration in their eyes.

Mikasa:" I'm sorry what."

Pieck:" Yeah, Y/n, I'm a little confused if you wanted to sleep somewhere else; I mean, my cot is a lot comfier than Sasha's."

Y/n:" So, I don't see what the problem is; it's perfectly normal for a boyfriend to sleep with his girlfriend."

Hange:" I-I'm sorry what."

Y/n:" Yeah, Sasha and I started dating."

After breakfast, everyone went to school Y/n walked with Sasha holding hands, making people at school look at them as they spoke to each other, talking about what the hell Rias's brother was doing holding hands with a transfer student. Y/n and Sasha did have to part ways as they went to their separate classes. Sasha sat at her desk doing her history work as Mikasa, who spoke next to Sasha. Sasha smiled as Y/n wrapped his arm around Sasha, making her blush even more.

Mikasa:" Hey Sasha, can I ask you something?"

Sasha:" Yeah, what about?"

Mikasa:" Sasha, I'm going, to be frank, I want you to let in your relationship with Y/n."

Sasha sighed as she knew this was coming, but she hoped that it wouldn't come this soon.

Sasha:" Mikasa-"

Sasha was interrupted by Annie speaking from her seat behind Mikasa's seat.

Annie:" Quiet Mikasa, listen, Sasha dear, you don't want to have this tomboy in your relationship, now me on the other hand. I would be a wonderful girlfriend to Y/n and-"

Mikasa:" Shut up bitch. I was the one talking to Sasha."

Annie:" Don't you tell me to shut up; you shut the hell up."

Mikasa:" Shut up, you dumb blond!"

Annie growled before she punched Mikasa in the face startling Sasha and surprising Mikasa making her angry as she stuck Annie, making her get out of her seat as Mikasa did the same as they began to duke it out the entire classroom except for Sasha and the teacher chanting out quote:" Fight, fight, fight, fight." Mikasa and Annie kept on fighting as it soon became too much for Sasha to handle, and she quickly left the classroom to cool off. Sasha stood by her locker, looking down at her hands.

Pieck:" Sasha, are you okay?"

Sasha:" Oh, yeah, I'm okay, Pieck."

Pieck:" You sure?"

Sasha:" Yeah, it's just Annie and Mikasa got into a fight wanting to get into the relationship with Y/n."

Pieck:" Oh, I see, well, I'm sorry about that; that must have been scary."

Sasha:" Well, a little bit, but I mean not as scary as titans."

Pieck:" I guess that's true. Well, actually, could I ask you about something?"

Sasha:" Um, sure?"

Pieck:" Sasha, could you let me into the relationship with Y/n."

Sasha sighed angrily and stomped off to cool off and think of a plan.

* Two-day time skip*

Sasha stood in front of Pieck, Hange, Mikasa, and Annie, holding up a slip of yellow paper in her hands.

Sasha:" Okay, do to some of you wanting to be let into the relationship with my boyfriend and me. I have come up with a solution. The paper I have in my hands is an application form to apply to get into the relationship. I'm going to leave this here; fill it out if you like."

Sasha exited the room to spend some time with her boyfriend. All of the girls in the room. As soon as Sasha left the room, Mikasa attempted to grab the paper, but Annie slapped away her hand away from the paper. Mikasa then slapped Annie's arm in retaliation. Annie and Mikasa were about to start fighting again, but Hange got in between them as he shouted out.

Hange:" Stop it! Stop it! Okay, let's talk about who should get this."

Hange was going to grab the paper, but she saw that it was gone along with Pieck.

Hange:" Uh girls, with the hell did Pieck go?"

Pieck chuckled as she walked down the hallway; giggling to herself, she held the paper filling it out as she spoke.

Pieck:" Sorry, girls, looks like I win."





















Sasha sat on a bench eating a sandwich with Mikasa, Annie, and Hange, looking at her as she spoke.

Sasha:" Let me get this straight. You want me to make three more of those harem application forms?"

The three girls nodded, making Sasha sigh as she put down her food.

Sasha:" Fine but give me some time."

The trio of women smiled and spoke.

Annie/Mikasa/Hange:" Thank you, Sasha."

Sasha sighed as she went back to eating her food.

Attack on titan x male neglected reader x Highschool dxdWhere stories live. Discover now