Teaser for a story later in time

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Author:" Okay this is a bit different from my normal teaser because I'm having two different passages from the story but at different point's in time and this story is also going to be a bit of an experiment with a new writing format and with the type of reader I'm trying to create so yeah feel free to check this out when it comes out if you like.

Passage 1

Y/n:" Black luster soldier destroy his Wicked Dreadroot!"

My black luster soldier let out a roar of anger as it lept into the air and slashed the green fiend cutting into it half as the Wicked Dreadroot let out a scream of agony. The halves exploded, consuming the cult member in the bright light as his life points fell to zero. I looked around my field spell disintegrated around me along with my black luster soldier. But as the solid vision creation crumbed away, I looked around as I appeared to be inside of a large room instead of the highway that the duel started on. I looked towards where the cultist was standing only to see a pile of ashes. Did that explosion kill him? That's impossible solid vision can't hurt people, could it? My duel disk powered down as I heard a voice shout out.

???:" He's open guards get him!"

As I turned around only to be met with several people charging at me before they tackled me to the ground before I was bashed on the head with a metal pipe, hurting me but not knocking me out before they stuck me again, making me pass out.


I woke up in a daze a while later, bound to a chair sitting in front of a metal table, before I heard a voice speak.

???:" So you're finally awake."

The voice sounded familiar to me as I turned my head to see who the voice had come from, only to be met with the face of someone I had hoped not to see getting me angry.

Sirzechs:" Welcome home, brother..."

I struggled against the chains as I spoke with anger in my voice.

Y/n:" I'm going to fucking kill you."

Passage 2

Sirzechs smiled as he walked out of the press conference with his hands in his pockets and spoke to the multiple guards around him.

Sirzechs:" Any word on my brother's location?"

Guard 1:" No, sir."

Sirzechs sighed as he entered the devil king's office and growled as he saw his little brother, along with two students sitting in his office.

Sirzechs:" Oh, god damn it! He was in here the whole time."

The guard screamed out as many other guards with guns ran into the room and pointed their magic neutralizing guns at Y/n, who was eating popcorn on the couch, while Yuya and Celina looked at their phones, not paying too much attention to what was going on. The guards all pointed their guns at the teacher/hacker/inventor while he brushed himself off while standing up.

Y/n:" Everyone relax; I was just waiting in the only room you can't blow up or spy on."

Sirzechs:" So, little brother, what are you here for?"

Y/n:" Well, Sirzechs, since I and my assets are done working for you now, you and the family can forget I exist."

Sirzechs:" You couldn't tell me that before the press conference?"

Attack on titan x male neglected reader x Highschool dxdWhere stories live. Discover now