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      When she woke up the next day, she found herself in a well decorated room, everything that happened yesterday came running back in her memory, she quickly turned to the other side he was not there, bounding down from the bed she made her way to the bathroom.

She stepped into the sitting room only to see her husband's family members.

"Good morning" she greeted everyone, some of them returned her greeting, some smiled and others just looked at her,

"She is very beautiful" one of the women complimented.

"Of course she is, if not do you think we would marry her to Ikem", his stepmother spoke.

"Come and sit here" Jacinta invited her, she sat with a group of young women who were even older than her, they we're talking and laughing, Ikem came later with his friends, everyone left after they had eaten even Jacinta who had been there last night.

It was only the both of them alone,

"Go and pack your bags" he said

"Where are we going to" she asked,

"To the city" he simply said then walked to his room, he was folding his clothes as well,

"Why are we going? What about everyone? She asked,

"I've told them already, they know now pack your bags, he said,

Did her parent also know, why didn't anyone come to see her off, maybe they just didn't care, well if they didn't then she did not care too, she would go anywhere with a stranger after all he was her husband,

The journey to the city had been quiet, she was sitting at the back seat while Ikem and his friend were talking. She kept thinking about everyone and everything, occasionally she would fall asleep.


It was late in the night when they finally arrived, his friend Sam smiled at her, he had been driving and she was sure he was tired, she was even tired too.

"Let us just take the luggages in" Ikem suggested, she had stood watching them, she tried to help but Ikem shunned her.

Later they ordered for food Ikem had shown her to the room and asked her to rest, it was midnight before he crawled into the same bed with her, he had tried to sleep on the couch in the sitting room but it was not comfortable for him and the other room was dusty, cold and smelly,

Before he slept, he watched her for a while, she seemed so exhausted earlier, a bit of her hair was covering her face, her lips were pink and a bit plump, he remembered the way her big eyes stared at him, he didn't know what he was feeling right now.

He just married this girl and now she was his responsibility, he thought about his past and the people associated with it, if he could start a new life with this girl to forget all that, he would at least give it a try who knows it may last and if not so be it.


The blinding Ray of sunlight hit her face, slowly she sat up, her eyes adjusted to the room that she was in, this must be Ikem room in the city, it was much bigger than the one in the village and even more beautiful, she had never been in such a big room before, back at home she shared a mat with her two younger siblings but over here they had a big comfortable bed, she wondered where he was, she got down from the bed and started exploring the house, her room was upstairs as she climbed down the stairs to the sitting room she wondered for a bit all the house back at the village were mainly bungalows and even huts, she took in the sight of the sitting room, it was twice as big as the room, it was decorated with fancy pictures and portraits, there was two big couches and a small one there was even a television and a fridge, back at the village her family only had a radio, of course she had seen a television because they had a rich neighbor a lot of children would occasionally gather outside the window and watch TV, then they would laugh and giggle,

the door opened and Ikem was standing there watching her for a moment,

"Go and take your bath" he ordered,

"Where is the bathroom" she asked.

"Upstairs down the hall" he replied,

She did as she was instructed, he later brought in takeouts, they ate silently before he left, all day she had explored the house, she had found the kitchen, it had many uncooked groceries, she also found a small store room with old books that she looked through.

She wandered outside to find a big compound to the left she saw a house just like theirs and another smaller one, a big black gate secured the house, a woman opened the door to the house on the left,

"Good Afternoon ma" she greeted the woman, the woman responded slowly while still looking at her, she walked closer,

"Who are you and how may I help you" the woman asked,

"My name is Mmasi I am Ikem's wife, I was just wandering around"she replied, it felt a bit weird when she introduced herself as his wife.

The woman slowly broke into a smile, "I am sorry I didn't recognize you I couldn't make it to the wedding, oh my God you are very beautiful and also young  , I have been ranting since by the way my name is Cecilia, I live over there with my husband and my child, he has gone to school now and by the way you can come over anytime you are feeling like it", she said,

"I am not sure if he'll allow me" Mmasi muttered,

"Don't worry our husbands are close" Cecilia smiled,

"I have to go inside now, I'll see you around" Cecilia said and went to her house,

Wow this woman talked a lot she thought as she also went back inside.

Mmasi has moved into her husband's house, how do you think married life feels


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