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WARNING: This chapter contains sexual content, read at your own risk.

"Happy Birthday, he greeted smiling brightly",


"Happy birthday to you, born on the eight of June, today is your birthday" he announced,

"Oh, I forgot" she said,

"I know now go and get ready" he said happily,

"Get ready for what?"

"You'll see, hurry up" he said before leaving the room,

She wondered what the fuse about her birthday was, she had never celebrated her birthday so as the rest of her siblings, her father considered it a waste of time, energy and money.

He literally dragged her to the car.

"Where are we going" she asked,

He did not answer her,

They arrived at a big hotel, for the first time she went in an elevator, she was afraid yet excited, they arrived at the uppermost height, looking over the city, the city looked small, yet so big, she was awestruck and just stared down,

"Do you like the view" he had asked,

"Yes of course, look at this, how did you even get us up here" she asked, he shrugged wrapped his hand around her waist as she watched,

The winds blew on her face, the setting sun she could see from over the horizon, the birds flying in the sky looked nearer, the trees far down there swayed to the passing wind, nature was beautiful, look at what man made, she was on top probably the highest building in the city looking down over things, if anyone told her before that this would be possible, she would never believe it, all of this was thanks to her wonderful husband, she looked at him looking up at the sky, she smiled and rested her head on his broad chest and he held her more tightly.

"This is not all, come on", he asked her after a while of looking out at the wonderfulness of nature, she was excited to see all that he had planned.

She was so surprised to see decorations everywhere balloons and candles, a big happy birthday sign, a table beautifully decorated with two fancy chairs, assorted foods and expensive drinks,

"This is too much for me" she said

"No it is not, you deserve more but sit let's eat"

She sat down opposite him, they looked into their eyes and he broke into laughter,

"This is so delicious" she moaned

"They are from the best chef in the city" he said sipping on the wine"

"Is it alcoholic" she asked

"Just a bit, but you won't even feel the Alcoholic thirst it" he said.

After the dinner,she thanked him profusely and stopped when he seemed to be upset about her thanking,

That evening at home, he had one more surprise,

"What is a birthday without cake" he asked,

She couldn't believe, oh she could, he could do anything,

"I'm going to turn in to a balloon with all this eating"she said,

Giving him a hug, for a while they hugged, she smelled his clothes, she liked his scent, he held her tightly not letting go. His face buried on her neck, his breath tickled her, she giggled,

"What"? He asked

"You are tickling me with your breath"

"You mean like this" he puffed air to her face, she screamed and laughed and ran away for him, they chased around for a while, he caught her, wrapped his arms around her body and they plopped to the couch,

Breathing heavily, they both laughed, he watched her face full of laughter, the way her lips curved when she smiled or laughed, her eyes glistening, her body shaking from laughter, her small body laying on him, he tightened around her, she had stop smiling and was looking at his face, his eyes, as if being drawn by a magnet, their lips locked together with seconds, he felt her small yet plump lips in his, the feeling serene,  he could tell this was her first kiss, he guilded her lips and she began to move with the same rhythm and passion.

She tightly held onto him, her hand running down his hair and back, she pushed herself on him, he received her, his hands began their exploration, down up and down her back and even lower, he squeezed her behind in his hands and up he went up to her bra covered breast, his hand slipped under her bra, he gently squeezed her breasts and her sensitive nipples, she moaned, beneath his lips, involuntarily her legs opened,  he turned her around so now he was on top of her, his weight pressing down on her, she kissed him passionately yet fiercely,

A single thought into his head, "now what" he could continue this and satisfy his hunger for her and her passion for him, would he take advantage of her in this condition, she was drunk, she might not be ready for this, if she wasn't drunk then maybe.

Gently he peeled her off him, she wouldn't let go.

"Mmasi stop let's go and sleep" he urged,

She hugged him and kissed him again,

"I'm not feeling sleepy, I want to be with you" she replied

"You are drunk, come let's go".

He carried her up to their room, cleaned her up and laid her on the bed, even after her clinginess, he watched her sleep.

Regret later came back to him, why didn't he just continue, he reassured himself.

Waking up the next morning, she found herself in a different clothe, she remembered last night. She blushed in embarrassment, she had fooled around so much, before she would have freaked out if he dare to touch her but this days, she felt like holding and hugging him.

That morning, she had pecked his lips, he was surprised, he had expected her to forget last night incident but it seems she remembered, but things went smoothly afterwards.

Hi guys hope you enjoyed the chapter, it would really make  me happy if you vote and or comment.


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