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He heard a pained scream, he switched on the light,

Blood, blood on her side of the bed,"Mmasi, he jumped down from the bed panicking, she was not on the bed,

Drops of blood trailed the floor, he followed quickly, with his heart pounding fast,

He froze for a second, seeing his wife on the floor, holding her stomach and writhing in pain,

"Mmasi what is this, why is there blood everywhere" he cried, "where is all this blood coming from"

She was struggling to say something, her eyes were getting blurry, she could only pick up sounds of shuffling and crying before she blacked out.

"My love are you alright?" He asked when her eyes finally opened, he hugged her, his face looked like a broken vase, his eyes were sunken in and red bloodshot, he must have been crying all night.

The doctor walked in,

"You!! You better tell me what is wrong with her, you and those silly nurses has refused to give me any information" he yelled,

"I see Mrs Mmasinachi is awake" he ignored Ikem,

"Doctor what happened?" She asked trying to sit up, her husband was quick to help her.

"Madam, you miscarried"

"What, what does that mean?" Ikem asked confused,

"She had a miscarriage, she was pregnant, approximately, three weeks pregnant but she lost the baby"

"I was pregnant?" She asked tears streaming down her face, he held onto her,

"How did she lose the baby" Ikem asked after recovering from the initial shock.

"It could be variety of reasons, it could have been because of stress, hormonal Inbalance fertility problem or any other thing, Mr Ikem I advise you to take good care of her from now on, and miss I advise you not to stress and calm down okay, I prescribed some medicines, please get them from the pharmacy" the doctor said before he walked out.

No matter how hard she tried no matter how hard he consoled her, she could not stop the tears from flowing, was it her carelessness or what could have caused her to lose her first unborn child, if she had the knowledge that she was pregnant, she would have been more careful, her heart was full of sorrow, after she was discharged from the hospital, she has just wallowed in her sorrow,

Two weeks went by as quickly as it came, Ikem was even a little upset with her for letting this cause her so much grief, after all her tears and grief for a baby that has gone, she wiped her tears, she washed herself, stopped wailing, she was tired of all this, she put on a smile and headed to the market, she had been so lost in her sorrow that she forgot that her husband was also hurt, she had not been considerate about him, she had been selfish, she would put a smile on his face, she would cook something special, a village delicacy,

When he later came home that night, he was surprised to see his wife smile and even kiss him, for the past one and a half week, he had come home to a distraught wife,

"Come, go and take a shower and after that I have a surprise for you, he was very surprised yet excited, she cooked his favorite soup, it was delicious,

"Did you enjoy your food" she asked,

"Do I look like I didn't, didn't you see me scavenging the food, I swear you are the best cook in this world, he praised her,

She laughed,

"I'm happy to see you so and to hear your laughter" he said,

"I'm sorry that I have been so cut off lately"

"It's totally fine but we just have to move forward you know, try as much as possible to get over it"

"I am going to try, you were also hurt from losing our child, why didn't you look so sad as I was?"

"Baby girl deep down I was very sad, I still am but someone has to be the strong one and as I said, we both have to try to get over it together,

She hugged him, they cuddled each person silent and in their thought.

Happy new year


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