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"Please come, come to the hotel, I need you, I want to talk to you, please, ik please" the woman on the phone begged.

"Excuse me, who are you" she asked,

"Who are you and why are you with Ikem's phone" the woman high pitched voice asked.

"He is my husband" Mmasi replied, the line was silent for a while,

"Okay ask him to call back" she replied before quickly hanging up.

"What are you doing" Ikem asked, he just came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, his upper body was on full display with small droplet of water dripping down, he looked so good, she literally wanted him but she had a more serious matter to discuss.

"Someone called, a woman, she asked to meet her at a hotel and to call her" she frowned.

"Wh who was s she" he stammered.

"I don't know, here is your phone" she handed it to him while watching him scroll through it, he threw the phone on the bed and went to the closet to put on clothes.

"Aren't you going to call her back" she asked,

He nodded without speaking,

She wondered who that woman was and why she wanted to see her husband, it sure was not his family, she knew his only sister,

He left the room quietly after a while, she heard him talking to someone on the phone, more like shouting.

He was about to leave the house.

"Are you going out" she asked him,


"Are you going to the woman"

He was silent

"I want to go with you" she said

"I'm not going to see her"

"I just want to go out with you" she replied adamantly, he sighed,

"If you are going to see her, why don't you tell me? Why don't you want me to come with? You should not lie to me , I am your wife" she said, holding his hand.

He sighed, "I didn't tell you everything" he whispered.

"What is it", she asked, concerned

"I, come on, let's go and meet her". He held her hand and led her outside.

On a few minutes they both arrived at Seagate hotel, it was a beautiful big place, he led her in asked for a room number, the receptionist gave him and now they were silently going on an elevator.

To her he looked scared and worried, with small beads of sweat going down his face, he had not look her in the eyes ever since they left home, she felt bad for insisting on going with him but then again she wanted to know, who the woman was.

What would happen if they eventually arrive at the hotel room? How would she see him after this? Would she believe him?

All this thought kept playing over and over in his head, he felt like turning back and going home from the moment he left the house but the thought of finally getting rid of his nightmare, even if it was by the help of his wife, he wanted it, wanted all of this drama to end, but what if the drama actually ruined his relationship with his wife, what then?

Knock knock knock.

The door slowly opened, the woman looked up and slowly the woman's lips carved to a smile, the door opened completely yo reveal a woman in a lingerie, smiling lewdly with her sexy body on full display,

When the sun comesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ