Chapter 13

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Rachael's PoV
I could see a girl around my age with ivory skin and a Blue choppy pixi cut. She was warning a long black dress. She then turned and I saw her face it was blank. No eyes, no mouth no nothing. She then held out her hand that was covered in black dust and a red rose that was bleeding.

"Rachael wake up" I was shook awake by Bella. "What are you doing. Why are you here this early" I groaned sitting up. "Rachael it's 2 o'clock" she said pointing to the clock. "What"
"Did you have a late night" she asked. "No I went to bed early actually. Around 9 actually. It's so strange it felt like I closed my eyes for a second." I said confused. "It doesn't matter. get up I'm taking you shopping" she said. I was just about to get up before I processed what's he had said. "Bella you hate shopping"
"I know but you love it and you need some girl time you have been moping a lot lately" I scrunched my face at what she said. "I don't mope"
"If you say so. Plus there's a book store I need to go to" she said not taking no for an answer.

We have walked around a few shops looking around. I had been putting on a show making Bella think I was ok.I bought a few things I didn't need. "What do you think of this" she said holding up a green shirt. "Looks great" I said not paying attention. "No it doesn't and you know it doesn't." She said
"Im sorry I just have a lot on my mind. How about we go to the book store and get the books you need. Then go home and argue about a movie to watch" I said. "Sounds like a plan" she said

We had walked to a Native American book store. "Ok I'm just going to be in and out then we can go home" Bella said. I had then noticed another store across the street. "the Moonlight goddess" I was getting energy from it. "You coming" Bella said snapping me out of my trance. "Im just going to go in that store while you get your books" I said "are you you want me to come with" Bella asked.
"No it's fine" I said already slowly walking away.

As I walk in the shop I got a comforting feeling. I then saw the shop and it was beautiful. The walls where orange paint bricks.there was book cases filled with books covered in symbols. Incense, herbs, candles on other shelves.I could feel the energy vibrating everywhere I could almost see and hear.
"Can I help you" a short woman with a Japanese accent said. "I-I was just looking around" I said.
"You hear the books don't you darling" she said. "What" I questioned. "I'm yamauba." she said. "Oh I'm-"I began. "Rachael correct?".
"How did you know that." I said surprised .she must be another witch. "I know the beast your running from." She said. I already knew she was talking about Jasper. "Here comes sit" she said leading me to a table. The table had a mug of tea, a candle and tarto cards on it. "Are you going to give me reading or something."She let out a little laugh. "No tarto card and palm reading are just something I do to keep the human locals happy. I tell them what they wanna hear and the pay me."
I raised my brows. " then what are you going to do-" I said before he held up my arm and pricking it with a pin.I winced she then placed the drop on her  tongue. Her eye then turn reptilian. "The beast you are running from. He is not the monster in your story.he is the hero assuming you can save him." She said. "From what" i asked . "Himself if not many will suffer" she said. "That makes no sense.I thought vampire's kill witches" I questioned. "He's not the monster of your story" she repeated. "Then who is" I asked. She just gave a small smile. "Telling you wouldn't help your path" she said.
"Rachael" Bella yelled walking in the store. "Oh I am sorry I didn't mean to interrupt" she said "it's fine we where finished here anyway." The shop keeper said standing up. I was full of questions and so confused. "But" I started. "We are done here" she said. I began to walk away. "Don't worry we will be seeing each other a lot princess of the pharaohs" she said smiling as I left.

  Save Jasper from himself that doesn't even make any sense. Plus why do I have to. I'm not exactly his bestie right now. But then again the lady in the Wicca shop said he wasn't the monster in my story.I normally wouldn't trust strangers but there was something about her. it could also be the fact that she's the first witch I've met. And if I'm being honest although I've been scared of him. There's is some mess up part of me that still cares about him and I don't want to see him die.but I'm not sure I'm ready to forgive him or if I even can forgive him.

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