Chapter 14

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Rachael's PoV
"Rachael. Sweet heart could you please come here." my dad shouted me in the kitchen. "I'm going to be late for school"
"I just wanted to say I'm really sorry about the other night. And we need to talk about it. How about we do something this weekend to bond and talk."he said softly.
"It's fine dad honestly. And I can't I'm supposed to be hanging out with Bella." I lied
"Ok but we do need to talk properly."
"I know and we will I promise." I said grabbing my school bag to leave. I couldn't talk about it with him properly. Not without revealing everything els and I'm not sure he could handle vampire's also being real. plus I was still a little upset about what he said. I get that it's hard having a witch as a daughter I do but it still hurt.

"So you wasn't in school yesterday." Bella asked as we sat at the school lunch table . "No I skipped with Jasper." I replied. Bella's face soon turned to worry. "Are you ok. He didn't hurt you or anything did he?"
"No we just talked and I have a better understand of him now." I said. Bella just gave a small smile
. "Well it's good of you to forgive him and it's good your no longer scared of him." She said. "I wouldn't go that far. I know he can't control himself. But I'm not sure I'm ready to just forgive him yet.mostly because I am still scared of him.but understanding him is something" I said unsure. Before changing the subject "So are you free this weekend. I really don't want to spend the weekend at home.the other day I got into a fight with my dad and everything just awkward" I said.
"I'm so sorry.I can't I'm going to be playing baseball with Edward and his family" she said in a apologetic tone.
"How are you going to play baseball with vampire' isn't there a storm" I question.
"I'm just going to watch"
. "That sounds awful.but enjoy yourself and stay safe of course."I said.
"Hey guys" Mike said sitting down with us. We both gave him a smiled. "Just so you know Rachael one of the freaks is starring at you." he said
The three of us turned to see Alice took her a few seconds to realise we where starring back. She then quietly looked away but I couldn't see a smile began to form on her face.

"Hey Rachael" Alice said catching up to me on my way to class. "Alice hey" I said in suspicion.
I hadn't really talked to her other then that incident in the school library. "I heard you and Jasper are best friends again."she said
"I wouldn't really say that but we are ok. Also I'm sorry about your hand" I said. She just looked at me in confusion. "When I burnt it in the library." I said reminding her. "Consider it already forgotten about. Literally."she said smiling before continuing . "Anyway I couldn't help but over hear your conversation with Bella. I'm sorry you and your dad are fighting"
"It's fine it will blow over eventually" I responded. "Anyway since Bella didn't invite you want to come and play baseball with my family this weekend. Jasper will be there." she said cheerfully. "I'm not sure sports aren't really my thing. Plus me and Jasper are only just sorting things out as friends. I wouldn't want to intrude on him and his family"
"Oh please it would be perfect I promise" she said trying to convince me. To be fair I really had nothing better to do .and I was looking for anything to avoid my dad. "I guess I could come and watch" I said lightly smiling. "Ok good you won't regret it. Jasper is going to be so happy" She said before skipping away.

Jasper's PoV
"You did what Alice!" I whisper shouting. "I invited her to meet the family." she said in a smug tone. "why would you do that."
"Because she's obviously very important to you. I heard you guys have started to makeup. so what better way to bond as friends then to play sports with the family.she'll love it" She said closings her locker and started walking. "No she won't. Rachael hates sports or anything that would wreck her hair. Plus the family doesn't know about her and they wasn't to thrilled about Edward telling Bella are secret" I said. "That's different Bella was human she's not."
"But Bella and Edward are dating and in love. I'm not sure the same rules don't apply to a friend"
Alice rolled her eyes at me before speaking "plus you did tell her.she found out when she melted my hand." I could tell Alice was trying to make the issue seem smaller then it is. "I'm sure when they hear that it would only make things worse." I said even more worried at there reaction. "Jasper I promise the won't care. And I have forgiven her it's not like they can be mad on my behalf. Just tell them when we get home so there not surprised when she shows up" she said softly. I just nodded.

The new witch (Twilight fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang