Chapter 1

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Rachael's PoV
It's funny how you can go all your life thinking you know everything about your family. Then suddenly you know father's side was Huge and well crazy by that I mean there always full of life and loud. My mothers side well there wasn't much to tell.My mother died giving birth to me and the only other family on my mother's side was my loving grandmother. I thought there wasn't much els to know about my mother's side. at least that's what I thought until about four months ago.I tried to kill myself .I've always suffered from depression for a long time.i'm also a transgender woman and all the hate that comes with it makes it worse.I know I should of been strong for my dad who has lost so much already. I just couldn't take it anymore. Normally my grams would say pay no attention to what people say.there's nothing wrong with me I'm just unique and they just don't quite understand.but a week before I tried to kill myself. my grandmother passed away. It was peaceful In her sleep.but I never realised how much of my strength actually came from her. when she passed it felt like i had no strength.That week I had reached my tipping point and I slit both my wrists and waited for the peaceful release of death.As I lay there waiting for my pain to end. I heard a voice. A whisper it was my grams telling me to stay strong. I didn't want to stay strong it was getting to the same time i didn't want to die.i just didn't know what else to do.i didn't know how to stop my pain.After moments passed I realised she was right.I had to much to stay alive for.I didn't want to die but I was to weak to move it was to late. I was gonna die.I rolled over and tried to pick myself up and attempted to crawl to the phone to call someone and save myself.I heard a different voice a unfamiliar voice and I felt a surge of strength inside me and I could see my reflection in my bedroom window.My eyes started to glow gold and my wrists where healing themselves rapidly.All that was left was a long scar on both wrists.I couldn't help but let out a loud sob of relief. I was so thankful that I was alive. I considered that my darkest day and in that moment I promised myself I would never hit that low even again.After a few days I was still stunned on what happened with my cuts .I thought I was going crazy or I dreamed it.until I finally brought what happened up to my dad.I left out the parts where I tried to kill myself. I just mentioned my eyes glowing. I didn't want him worrying.He said I activated my gene I get from my mothers side.Everyone has the gene apparently but very rarely do they activate and it only activates in a deep trama or if that person is in great dad just assumed it was because I was very close to my grams and losing her hit me dad doesn't know much about this witch stuff even my mother thought it was a myth.It was only my grandmother who really believed.She kept all my ancestors diaries and spell books stretching back since the 1400. I have only learned a little bit so dad however doesn't like this at all. If I even mention the word witch he has a fit. He's freaked out even more when I came out.I've also barely had time to look threw the books to because all I've been doing is packing for our new move. My dad wants us to move not only to another town but to another country . We are going from London England to a small town named forks in America.Somewhere in Washington I think.I don't know I'm failing geography. he want to move there so he can open his dream bar in his home town.he's originally from forks but my mother was from London so I grew up there.They met during an student exchange thing and fell madly in love. as much as I can tell my dad is excited for this move. i can tell this is just an excuse to take his mind of my "new self".I'm really not liking the idea of it myself.
I mean I just found out I'm a witch,my grandmother died.I almost's all just to much but I obviously don't wanna tell him.My dad tries so hard and stands by me all the time.The least I could do is suck it up and be there for him.Maybe seeing him happy will help me deal with everything.Plus it's a small town in the middle of no where it's not like things could get any crazier.

Pulling into the driveway I see a teal house with a red door and a small tree just in front.the endless woods in the back. There was also puddles and muddy grass everywhere.All I could think is how miserable this place looked.I honestly don't understand why anyone would want to live here."oh Rachael your gonna love it here I always did. aren't you excited" My dad said with a big smile on his face.He opened the car trunk to get out the suitcase. Most of are stuff is already in the house.the houses was already decorated a week before we arrived. So all we have with us is a few clothes. "yea can't wait" I said with a fake smile.Just because I'm going to be miserable here doesn't mean he has to.

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