Chapter 20: Packs Strong Luna

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Chapter twenty finally here, hell yeah, I will see you at the end.

"Home sweet home." = Speaking

"Home sweet home." = Thinking/Mind linking

'Home sweet home.' = Writing


(Mars POV)

It has been a week since Artemis had been introduced to my mates and tested what their wolves were capable of, and even with the brief interaction I could tell that they were formidable among alphas.

As the days had passed on my Asphra and Esphra were returning to their positions and fully active alphas of the pack, which had left me to learn about being a luna from them and other pack members, mostly with either Wilhelm and Mackenzie.

As luna my role was largely comprised of keeping order, aiding with improvements to the pack and being able to run the pack with, or when needed, for my mates.

Today I was with Mackenzie, overseeing  the training for the day, this made for the third time I had done this with her, our role was easy enough. Make sure that everyone who was training others did so correctly, make sure no one got out of line or overboard while sparing and make note of what needed to change or be updated the training based on our and the other trainer wolves observations.

Mackenzie seemed to know exactly when to intervene with the sparing and knew full well how to use her size to pull anyone getting rowdy back into order.

Mackenzie and I were stood at the sidelines as training began to finish for the day, with several of the younger wolves just beginning their training already finished and watching the others finish training.

"So you seem to be getting a better idea of our training methods now, anything you need to ask?" Mackenzie asked while glancing down at me.

In truth, no I did not have anything that needed explaining. The system was easy enough, younger wolves were trained by more seasoned members of the pack while already able members maintained themselves and kept their skill up through sparing,

Still there was one thing that I had noticed, the warriors and those in training all looked at me with a certain level of doubt, not aiming to be either rude or disrespectful to me, but rather, acknowledging that I was not a fighter like them. Since the first day I started learning from Mackenzie this had been a constant that both I and Mackenzie had noted.

If I was going to rule this pack with the same authority as my mates then I can't help but feel the need to prove where I stood, and what better way was there than action.

I pulled up my notepad, spending a few moments scribbling down my thoughts for Mackenzie, "I understand how the packs training function now, thank you for your help, but I have a question, Wilhelm mentioned besides my mates that you were the top warrior in the pack, is it true?"

I gave the notepad to Mackenzie who took the note and read it over before returning my notepad, "Yes, I am, and I have met the alphas in a draw on rare occasions, but they are alphas so I'll take a close third."

I didn't know she had drawn with Asphra and Esphra, perfect, I scribbled down my question for the gamma before handing my notepad to her, "Am I able to train here?"

Mackenzie looked at me curiously for a moment before replying, "Yes luna, everyone is able to, but I... may I speak bluntly luna?" Mackenzie asked me to which I nodded, "You don't look like a fighter like most here, and though I don't know your wolf and spars can get out of control on occasion, I am concerned you would be injured."

Mackenzie stated carefully, I can understand her concern with my inquiry.

"Regardless I have made my decision, would you fight me?" I wrote next and when Mackenzie read seemed shocked an re-read my note.

Mackenzie gave me a horrified look  before responding to my request, "Luna I can't do that." Mackenzie replied calmly, clearly not ready for the sudden request, maybe that was my problem, it was a request. I took my notepad back as she offered it to me.

"I don't doubt you can fight luna, but I cannot risk your injury." Mackenzie added as I began to write down my next sentence. I swiftly handed my notepad back to her with a little smirk that made her pause.

As Mackenzie read my note she realized the impact of my words, "I, as your luna, order you to fight me." She looked at me in silence for a moment before Mackenzie seemed to steel herself before responding, "Wolves, I assume?" to which I nodded, knowing that she would follow my orders. I feel a little bad about using my authority but I think once I introduce Artemis she will accept the fight.

She handed me my notepad which I placed on the ground as Mackenzie marched out into the largest sparing area, a large, fenced in area of torn up dirt from countless sparring matches. all while confirming everyone else had finished and I followed close behind her.

She jumped the fence turning as I reached it and slid under, at this point other wolves gathered and muttered amongst themselves at the sight of the Mackenzie and I enter the sparing area together and were coming to the fence.

Mackenzie moved across the area from me and just stared for a second. 

I braced as I felt the bones in my body crack, creak and bend, sending me to the ground as I gave control over to Mars who I felt waves of anticipation roll off of as we swapped places.

(Artemis POV)

As I rose up from the ground I saw the a look that was a mix of surprise and something not quite fear etched into Mackenzie face and the faces of the others who watched us from the fence line.

Mackenzie steeled herself and stared to change as well and with the sound of ripping clothes and bones shifting before me stood a pale, blondish-brown wolf a bit larger than myself.

For a moment we assessed each other, and with tense bodies she and I started to circle each other and with a surge of force Mackenzie's wolf came towards me and I barely pulled back from her jaws and once her from legs hit the ground I pushed forward and slammed into her with enough force to stagger most wolves.

Mackenzie's wolf however has far more resilient then I though, and after a few more light blows back and forth we were soon we were pressed up against each other, snapping at one another, pulling fur and trying to tip over each other while balancing on our hind legs.

Unable to tip Mackenzie's wolf I made the choice to push myself downwards and go under her with Mackenzie's wolf coming down on my back, I grabbed her hind leg and with considerable effort managed to tip her over and tried to slam down on her with my front legs, only for her to roll herself over at the last moment and spring herself against my flank, now sending me to the ground.

With a similar tactic I rolled away from Mackenzie's wolfs follow up and rose to my feet and stared at her, it is odd not having to fight for my life.

"That will be enough you two, we need to speak with our mate." Came Esphra's voice through the mind link making both of us halt, not commanding but still no doubt carrying the authority of an alpha.

The posture of Mackenzie's wolf seemed to relax and as I turned I saw my mates watching me amongst a crowd of others who had gathered to watch out bout.

With a gesture of Asphra's smiling face I nodded thanks to Mackenzie's wolf and walked over to the fence and leaped over to my mates and they led me to our house, on the way out of the training grounds a few wolves nodded, or did partial bows towards me, seems I won some more respect from the pack today.


I live and have after to frigging long updated, I am sorry for the wait but I am doing a little better and feel like writing again, thank you to those who have read this far and I wish you all the best in these trying times.

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