Chapter 16: Little Mates Big Day

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After so long chapter sixteen is finally here, I am sorry for the wait. Enjoy the new chapter and I will see you at the end.

"Home sweet home." = Speaking

"Home sweet home." = Thinking/Mind linking

'Home sweet home.' = Writing


(Mars POV)

The first smell I was greeted with when I awoke was the now-familiar and comforting scent of my mates that made me smile immediately, the second one was that of meat being cooked.

I push myself up from the bed and look down at my mates who are beside me with matching smirks on their gorgeous faces. I smiled and laid back down before I placed a soft kiss on Esphra's lips while Asphra slipped her arms around me, running them across my bare chest making me shudder.

"Good morning love." I hear both of my mates say through our mind link making me smile against Esphra's lips.

I turned around to face Asphra and placed a kiss on Asphra's lips while Esphra nipped at the sides of my neck affectionately, "Good morning." I greet, mind linking back happily.

After the three of us spent a bit longer cuddling and properly waking up my mates and I got ourselves dressed before we made our way downstairs, into the kitchen where we were greeted to the sight of Wilhelm cooking over the stove who glanced over his shoulder and greeted us with a smile.

"Good morning you lot." Wilhelm greeted the three of us happily before turning back to his cooking.

"Morning brother." Asphra and Esphra replied to their brother in unison, meanwhile I offered a polite nod in greetings, even though Wilhelm did not see it.

My mates and I took seats at the kitchen island and waited for Wilhelm to finish cooking. I am a little confused, I have not seen Wilhelm here before we have woken up or cook for his sisters before.

After a few minutes of us waiting in comfortable silence, Wilhelm turned around with a sizable platter of bacon, sausages and eggs that made my mouth water.

Wilhelm placed the platter down in from of us and backed away slightly, "I thought given today is the big day for you all that a good, hearty breakfast might be in order." Wilhelm stated.

"Thank you brother, it is greatly appreciated, will you join us?" Esphra asked happily while I nodded thanks to Wilhelm.

I watched Wilhelm shook his head in response to his sisters' question, "No, not today at least, I have already eaten and have the immediate preparations for the meeting to prepare, I will see you three at the meeting, until then." Wilhelm stated with a polite bow while I offered him a grateful smile.

With a quick goodbye to his sisters, Wilhelm departed and left us to eat breakfast which we all ate with the grace that was befitting of three ravenous wolves.

Unsurprisingly it did not take the three of us very long to finish eating our breakfast and together return to the bedroom to prepare for today.

As we got ready I looked through what clothes I had and found myself frowning at the realization I had no formal or even semi-decent clothes that were not ripped, stained or faded. It was a simple but potent reminder to me regarding what I am, or rather was.

Feeling a light tap on my right shoulder made me turn to see Esphra standing there with a folded up piece of soft, white clothing in her hands with Asphra standing just a little behind her.

Esphra handed me the piece of clothing with a soft smile, "We will wait downstairs in the lounge for you, see you soon love." And with that my mates, to my surprise, hurried out to leave me alone to dress for my formal introduction into the pack.

I laid out the folded piece of clothing on the ed and carefully unfolded it to find a snowy white dress with little frills around the base. The dress itself, however, would run down to just above my ankles, "Not our normal attire." Artemis stated to which I simply nodded in agreement with, but to be honest I really don't have any other options.

I stripped myself of the majority of my clothes and put on the white dress with only a small amount of effort being unfamiliar with this type of clothing.

Once I had it on I looked at the bottom of the wardrobe to find some shoes and a bright white box was set in front of the few shoes that I own. Seeing the theme I pulled the box out and opened it to find a pair of white flats with small bows on the front.

Smiling I put them on and stood up to look at myself in the bedrooms full-length mirror. I was actually surprised, the dress was soft and flowed freely around my body and I honestly felt a little bit like a princess. A broad smile broke across my face at what Asphra and Esphra had done for me.

I straightened my hair out and made my way out of the bedroom and went downstairs to the lounge where I found Asphra and Esphra sitting together on the couch.

I took in their looks and felt my heart started to race in response to what I saw, they were wearing the same outfit with dress boots, tight black jeans which matched nicely with their charcoal black button-up shirts. 

I smiled at them and moved over towards them and as they stood up I found myself caught between their embrace, "You look magnificent love." Esphra purred out while she ran her hands down my side and stopping to hold onto my hips.

"You really do look amazing love, we need to get going now though." Asphra stated gently pulling her sister back and leaning down to place a soft kiss against my lips before also pulling back.

Asphra and Esphra took my left and right hand respectively before leading me out of the house and into the sun. Together we set off down the pack roads, during this I could feel the joy radiate off of my mates, reassuring me of this meeting. 

On our walk I noticed a distinct lack of pack members around, none at all to which I can only assume that they are already at the meeting waiting for Asphra, Esphra and I. After a couple of minutes walking we veered off down a different path and into an area of the pack, one of the many areas of the pack which I had yet to visit. 

Soon after we entered the new area of the pack I saw a larger, old, wooden, two story building stand out among all the others, "That's the pack hall, we use it for meetings, celebrations and emergencies." Esphra stated seeing the curiosity written across my face.

I nodded in understanding and they led me around the back of the building and in through the backdoor. Inside was what looked like a large lounge room with plush red leather couches, a long red rug the stretched across the expansive room and two bright, golden chandelier lights hung from the roof. Directly across from the backdoor though was a large, foreboding, red curtain 

I was momentarily stunned by the glamorous room that my mates an I entered entered into, I do not believe that I have ever been anywhere so fancy in all my life before.

"I see you like it, we used to sneak off and come here to play as kids." Esphra said softly, I could see the fond memory of this place reflected in both her and her sisters enchanting eyes.

"So dear this is quite a simple undertaking, that is not to say though that this meeting is not a significant one, for you, use or the pack. Normally the luna would give a speech but given the circumstance we will make a speech, when we introduce you, you can smile, bow or anything similar to that which you feel comfortable with to greet the pack, it is up to you." Asphra explained slowly and calmly to me.

Nodding both in understanding of the event and in agreement with my mate I felt the beat of my heart start to race at what was soon to happen.

I was going to be a luna.


And with that this chapter is done and dusted, I hope you all enjoyed it and I will see you all most likely in the new year, happy holidays to you all.

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