Chapter 13: Mated For Good

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Hello everyone who has been looking forward to this chapter that took much longer to make then I had hoped but it is done now and I hope you all enjoy.

"Home sweet home." = Speaking

"Home sweet home." = Thinking/Mind linking

'Home sweet home.' = Writing


(Mars POV)

Sneaking out of the bedroom across the hall and into the bathroom I paused after shutting the bathroom door and listened for a moment to see if my absence had been noticed by my mates, which to my luck I can still hear them snoring across the hallway.

Stripping of the clothes I wore and tossing them into the washing hamper I took a deep breath and turned an looked at my scared body in the bathrooms mirror. I had bite and claw marks all the way from my ankles to just before my neck, I wonder just how my mates think of this mangled body of mine?

I could only stare back at myself in the bathroom mirror while taking deep breaths in an effort to try and calm my nerves. Asphra and Esphra were both still asleep in the bedroom, completely unaware of what I am planning, I can feel my heart drumming wildly in my ears with how nervous I am at the moment.

Pushing down my nerves I stealthily slip out of the bathroom and into our bedroom in nothing except for a towel that is loosely tied around me.

I look over my mates sleeping forms and I can tell that they are still asleep from the light snores coming from the both of them, I had hoped that they would stay asleep until I got back to the bedroom.

I walk to the cupboard that had my clothes in it and I deliberately dropped my towel to the ground with a light thud. I heard my mates stop snoring stop, signaling to me that they were now awake and alert.

I went to bend down to pick up my towel but before I could I felt a pair of strong hands grip into my sides and throw me onto the center of the bed, completely naked in front of both of my alpha mates.

"Little mate, what did we warn you of?" Asphra growled out as she loomed over me on the bed while Esphra climbed back on and laid herself down next to me and nuzzled the side of my neck and took in my scent.

I looked up at Asphra with a playful smirk across my face and a look of realization crossed her face before being replaced by a look of pure lust, "You wanted this to happen didn't you dear." She growled out with her carnal lust clear in her majestic voice.

"You have no idea what you have just got yourself into darling, we're not leaving this room today, you are ours!" Esphra growled out as she roughly kissed around the base of my neck.

Acting on my primal instincts as a werewolf I lifted my head up and silently invited them to mark me as theirs permanently.

I felt them tense against me for a brief second before I felt them both lean down and place tender kisses around the base of my neck, after a moment I felt them both pause with Esphra placing her mouth against the right side of my neck and Asphra placing her mouth against the left side of my neck.

In an instant my two mates bit deep into my neck and I let out a silent scream and my body gave out wild, uncontrolled twitches for several minutes until Asphra and Esphra withdrew from my neck.

I looked up at the concerned faces of my mates looking over me with a wild mixture of love and lust swirling in their gorgeous eyes, "Ours!" They both growled our in unison making me shudder at the raw possessive tone each of my mates had.

I give them both a joy filled smile and reached up, cupping both their cheeks with my small hands and dragged both of them down to me and let my instincts guide me and kissed both of them with as much love as I could muster. I lowered my hands and clawed desperately at my mates clothes needing to feel their skin against my own.

Everything slowly became a bliss filled blur to me, Artemis howling in joy filled triumph, the heat that was radiating between Asphra, Esphra and me, the warmth spreading across my body, my mates growling above me with raw, unrestrained desire.

There is no denying it, I was their mate now, Artemis and I could never go back even if we wanted to, our souls were bound to them now till the end of our days and we are okay with that.


And that is the end of the chapter, I hope it was enjoyable despite being a little shorter then I had hoped it to be.

So a quick notice, at the time I am writing this I am also studying a certificate IV course which means I am fairly busy but I will try to get another chapter or two out in the near future.

Sorry for the delay and thank you all for your support, have a great day.

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