Chapter 18: Meeting

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And here we are again for another chapter and in reasonable time, this is a longer chapter then what I have been doing so please enjoy and I will see you at the end.

"Home sweet home." = Speaking

"Home sweet home." = Thinking/Mind linking

'Home sweet home.' = Writing


(Mars POV)

Tired, sore and satisfied, that is the best way I can describe myself right now while I lounged in bed with my mates, recalling the previous days events. The pack meeting where I was introduced as their luna, the intense time I had with my mates after. That though brought a slight smirk to my face.

I felt Asphra slowly stroke one of her hands through my hair while Esphra cuddled into my back, at this moment I cannot help but feel happy with how my life has changed in the short time have been with my mates.

"We have to get up soon love, we have things to do today." Asphra said leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on my cheek making me smile at the loving gesture.

I slowly pulled away from my mates warm embrace and we all slipped out of our bed, limping over to my section of the cupboard I knew that my mates were wearing matching smirks once they saw me walking awkwardly. 

Dressing in simple pair of black pants and a loose, silky white shirt I left the bedroom and went downstairs with my mates for our breakfast.

Once we were seated in the kitchen with a small pile of bacon and eggs in front of us I realized something odd? New? Joyfully mundane? It had become a routine how my loving mates and I started our day, having lived never knowing what the next day would bring before meeting my mates this feels strangely satisfying and I cannot help but smile at the feeling.

My mates clearly noticed a change with me because Asphra quickly smiled and spoke up, "And what is on that wonderful mind of yours now love?" She asked me while Esphra gave me a slightly curious look as well.

"I'm just thinking about how happy I am here with you, with how my life has changed with you two, I love you both." I stated through our mindlink making them both smile. I didn't use the mindlink to much as I had never had one before meeting my mates but I was getting used to the mindlink bit by bit and I was making an effort to try speaking with Asphra and Esphra through it more.

Asphra and Esphra both seemed to brighten up even further when I spoke, Esphra leaned over to me and placed a tender kiss on my cheek before speaking, "And we are so happy to have you with us now love." I could not help the slight blush that form upon my cheeks after hearing her words.

We continued on and finished up with breakfast after we shared our tender moment. Once we had settled down from breakfast and gotten ready for the day my mates lead me back to the hall where we went yesterday for my introduction to into pack.

Today I was meeting the major pack leaders, my mates we the alphas, Wilhelm was next then the beta which I am anxious to meet, Mackenzie and the delta I have not really heard anything about or payed attention to yesterday, the entire event kinda had me distracted  from everything else.

Once we entered through the back I saw a semi-large wooden table set up with a few chairs around it, three empty seats at one end of the table, two more on either side of the table and one at the far end where I saw Wilhelm seated.

On the left of the table I saw Mackenzie and another man who I do not know, he had fair blond hair and a somewhat pale complexion, since he is sitting down it is hard to gauge his height but I guess about 6' or a little better. Given his position at the table I assume he is the beta, Liam I think his name was.

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