Chapter 15: Plans In Motion

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I am finally back with chapter fifteen, I hope you all enjoy and I will see you at the end.

"Home sweet home." = Speaking

"Home sweet home." = Thinking/Mind linking

'Home sweet home.' = Writing


(Mars POV)

Asphra, Esphra and I were sitting together in the lounge, enjoying the last of our easy-going  time cuddled up together, before I properly started to take on the position of luna for the pack. Asphra and Esphra have set the pack meeting in a couple days time in which they would give me a formal introduction into the pack.

"Why are you so worried?" Artemis asked me from her place within my mind.

"How could I not be, It's not like I have any experience with this type of thing, hell it has taken sometime to get used to even having a roof to sleep under." I reply to my wolf who goes silent but seems to understand why I am feeling so nervous.

 My mates seemed to pick up on my feelings and understand my nervousness as well., "Relax." Esphra whispered before leaning in and placing a tender loving kiss on my cheek while Asphra ran a comforting hand through my hair.

"It will be okay our love, we are here to help you through this, you will be fine." Asphra stated lovingly while she continued to delicately run her fingers through my hair. I melted against my mates, feeling my worry be washed away from their reassurance.

Our time together was interrupted when the front door opened and Esphra called out, "In the lounge Wilhelm." Wilhelm is here? It has been a long while since I last saw him, I suppose filling the role of a temporary alpha leaves a person with very little free time.

I looked up at the doorway and saw Wilhelm walk in looking tired, I offered him a smile and a wave in greeting which he returned in kind before walking to a lounge chair and taking a seat, "It is good that you are here Wilhelm, this type of business is always better to speak about in person and behind closed doors." Asphra started, and I now, was fully aware about the purpose of this visit .

"So What is it exactly that you need prepared?" Wilhelm asked my mates while leaning back in his seat.

"A full pack meeting in two days time, the time has come for us to give Mars her formal introduction into the pack." Asphra stated, looking at me to which I nodded, two days gives me time to brace myself.

"Okay I can arrange that, anything I need prepare specifically for this?" Wilhelm pressed to which his sisters shook their heads.

"No, just make sure everyone is there and that everyone understands that this meeting will be mandatory, unless we come under attack or someone is dying they will be in attendance." Esphra replied, I only now realize how big this is to my mates, this is their way of declaring me not only as their luna to the pack, but as a proper pack member.

"Alright then, I will go and make the necessary preparations for the meeting." Wilhelm stated, I watched him rise up from the chair with a groan.

I watched as Wilhelm bid farewell to both of his sisters and gave me a polite nod of the head as a goodbye before he departed. I am grateful to Wilhelm, it is because of him taking over the role of alpha for Asphra and Esphra that I was able to spend this much time with my mates.

"You gonna be a brilliant luna Mars, we know it." Asphra said softly to me once Wilhelm had closed the front door behind him. I smiled a little at Asphra's reassurance, I wanted to do right by my mates as their luna.

"I will try to be, for you both." I stated quietly through our mind link, to which Asphra and Esphra both lit up with smiles, it seems they both like when I talk directly to them.

"And you will do fine love." Esphra replied, stroking a hand softy through my hair, "It is not hard, and we will help you through all of it, the whole pack will." That both meant a lot to me, having mates and a pack at my back feels absolutely amazing, but I now know just how many others I could let down now.

I took a deep, calming breath to try and ease my nerves, I leaned back against my mates who instinctively wrapped their arms around me, "I know this is all a lot to take in but it will be okay, we promise you that." Asphra stated while rubbing her hands up and down my shoulders comfortingly.

And I believed her, Asphra and Esphra have been there for me, I cannot help but remember how alone I was before they found me on that night.  I have had brief partnerships with others, a hunter, a vampire, a relatively peaceful rouge pack but I could never stay in any one place. However this pack, this house, these mates of mine holding onto me now, this whole place felt like home to me.

I felt my cheeks start to get wet and reached up to feel them, I was crying? I can not remember the last time I cried, it feels strange but in a good way, almost like relief.

Esphra took notice first then Asphra a second later, "Mars baby, what's wrong?" Esphra's worried voice traveled through my mind as they both held onto me tightly and pulled me impossibly close to them.

"There is nothing wrong, I am just really happy right now." I stated through our mind link before pushing myself into my mates and holding onto them, I was finally happy after so long and now I was never going to let go. I don't think I could.

In the coming days I, a rouge born wolf will become the luna to a pack, it all just seems like a surreal dream that is impossible for me to wake up from, and I am just fine with that.


And that is chapter fifteen down, I am going to bust my ass trying to get another chapter out in the near future but I cannot make any promise. 

That is all and have an awesome day friends.

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