First Movement

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I was laying on Exotic stomach as we watched a movie in the living room. I felt something kick my head. I thought I was tripping until it happened again.
"Mamas did you feel that ?"
"Baby no I was watching the movie" I turned pulling her shirt up. "Stink stink are you moving in there?"
I felt movement under my hand Exotic's eyes got big. "Oh my god the baby's starting to move" I gasped as I felt it again. "Aaaww my lil stink daddy love you move again?" I felt what I think was a kick. "Ooohh my god hey lil stink it's mamas move for me now?" She put her hand next to mine and it was bunch a movement.
"Aaww stink don't choose favorites!" I groaned and she started giggling. An idea popped into my head I grabbed some popcorn and put it to her mouth "Eat this mamas I want to see how he react."  She ate some and we waited a few minutes he moved a lil bit but not too much.

I went to the kitchen getting more snacks I was obsessed with my lil man moving. I came back feeding her some pineapple chunks which was one of my favorite snacks. I pulled out my phone recording her stomach as I put my hand on it waiting for a reaction.
He moved alot and I started giggling "My stink love that" he kept moving and playing my heart filled with joy that only becoming father could bring.
I fed her some strawberry ice cream making him move around even more.
"I love you my stink stink" I kissed and rubbed her stomach. I felt his lift foot kick my hand and I could see it. "Oohh shit thats enough he getting too excited"  I chuckled as Exotic grabbed my shoulder. He put both feet out and I rubbed them through her stomach "ok stink stink" he moved his feet and Exotic relaxed releasing my shoulder. "His is a mess just like you"

I couldn't believe he was moving so much especially when we talked to him or I ate something he really liked. It was and amazing feeling. I smiled at Roddy as we continued watching the movie. I placed headphone in my stomach and played some Mozart. I didn't pay attention at first but then I realized he would move to the beat. "Roddy watch this" I took the headphones out and put the phone to my stomach pressing play "anytime the beats gets faster he moves faster watch" the beat slowed before picking back up and he moved with the beat. Roddy laughed "Yeah kadence fits him" I smiled as he kept doing it.
"I love you mamas" his eyes sparkled
"I love you too baby"

He laid his head back on my stomach while watching TV and kept kissing it. I put the headphones back on my stomach and watched the movie.
I kept feeling him move inside me it was different feeling but a good one. Once we got done watching the movie I got up to cook some pasta. Roddy came up behind me rubbing my stomach. "I love you mamas"
"I love you too daddy" he sniffed my neck making me giggle. We where always affectionate but he had got worse sense I had gotten pregnant. I didn't mind though. "How long you want to wait in between babies?"
I threw my head back and laughed.
"At least until this one is walking" I turned my head looking at him leaning against the island.

"Mmm okay mamas" I chuckled shaking my head and stirring the pasta. "You ever thought about singing professionally?"
I chewed my lips as I thought about
"Uh not really" he came over kissing my neck " why not mamas?" I turned the pasta down and turned kissing him "Because it's alot of work I see all the stuff you have to do" he nodded "Plus I got this little one on the way and Im thinking about opening another boutique cuz the first three are doing great" he kissed my nose "I know mamas but you could at least sing part time people should hear you you had whole room in tears you a wonderful singer." I nodded "Okay once I adjust to being a mom I will record a couple tracks" he smiled at me and I rolled my eyes. I love that he always pushed me to do better and bring out the best in me. I turned back and plated our pasta.

There was no way I was going to allow Exotic to waste her talent she brought me to tears when she sung and I don't cry easily. I wanted her to share her gift with other people. I knew she would need time to adjust to being a mom but i doubted it would take her very long she had a natural mother instincts. "So I was thinking for the baby's room a nice yellow because this baby is my sunshine" I chuckled and nodded "Yeah mamas that sounds good" we finished eating and I pulled her on to my lap kissing her. I felt the baby moving and I smiled into the kiss. "Apparently he loves pasta" Exotic nodded and giggled "Yes he does I feel like he is dancing in there"

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