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Today was my appointment to get a checkup and find out the baby's gender. I was Excited I already knew it was a boy I just couldn't wait for confirmation and to see Roddy's reaction. "You ready mamas ?" He was bubbling with energy I knew he was excited. "Yes I am" I got up at the edge of the bed and walked over to him after grabbing my purse.

We drove and arrived they called us just as we sat down. We went back and Roddy was standing at the side of the bed looking around for the doctor. "Baby stop twitching damn you finna make me jumpy" he rubbed my stomach panting "I'm sorry mamas I'm excited"You acting like maniac" I said snorting as I laughed. My doctor came in "Hey Dr. Franklin"
"Hi Exotic your absolutely glowing" I smiled at the doctor "How are you feeling?"
"Very Good my energy is coming back I'm not sleeping as much"
"Yes that's good" he lifted my shirt putting on gloves and then spreading blue goo on my stomach. He put the monitor on my stomach we all looked a the screen. There was a loud thumping "Yes that's the heartbeat good and strong every thing looks great do you want to know the gender?"
"Yes yes we do" I giggled at Roddy's urgent tone.
"Okay let me see here" the doctor looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows I snickered because I knew he could tell he was just keeping Roddy in suspense. I felt Roddy shift bending to look closer at the screen.
"Ahh yes there it is" the doctor took a few more breaths and Roddy groaned catching on "Man y'all better stop playing with me?" We laughed in union. "I'm sorry it was just to good to pass up."
"You ready to know?" Roddy huffed in frustration mugging the doctor.
"ITS A BOY!!" Roddy started jumping up and down. "I having a son oh my god!" I smiled as the doctor winked at me "You already knew huh?"
I nodded he chuckled" my wife knew too when she was pregnant she could tell the gender mother's intuition"
He wiped the good off and Roddy was still repeating it. "That's great that he is excited" I nodded at the doctor.
"I told you we were having a boy" he kissed my forehead "You did mamas I got a lil king in there" he rubbed my stomach and I smiled. Me and the doctor talked a few more months minutes before he's set up my next appointment and we left.

I walked with a bounce in my step I was having a SON! I waited to will we got in the car and I called the guys.
"Ayyy Bird it's a boy can you believe it"
"Aww that great man shoot I can't wait to meet him" I nodded as we talked then I called Donbo.
"Man Donbo we having A BOY"
"Yeah man I just found out a few minutes ago"
I heard him talking to somebody and then I heard Relly in the phone
"Aaww we finna have a lil fly nigga" I chuckled nodding my head "Just like his Daddy" I popped my collar and looked at Exotic. "Man I'm happy for you dawg" I smiled
"Thank you man"
I heard Exotic on the phone telling out mom's as I pulled of going back to the house. I smiled thinking to myself when we got to the house I carried her inside. "We having us a boy" she smiled shaking her head at me. I closed the door with my foot and carried her to the couch. "You know thats because I put in that work right?" Exotic looked at me "Yeah yeah whatever" I smiled kissing her "You put in work to mamas I'm just saying" She chuckled looking at me I kissed her lips getting on top of her. All my thoughts was to get inside her. I kissed her lips pulling her bottom one and she put her arms around my neck deepening the kiss. Our doorbell rang and I groaned she pushed me off and got up going to the door. I shifted with my dick was on hard and I was irritated. Damn people don't call before coming now.

I sighed turning on the TV shaking my head. Exotic walked back in the living room rubbing her belly. I looked up and seen my mom with her. Of course
"Hey Rodrick" I looked up at her and looked up at Exotic she glared at me.
I got up hugging my mom "Hey ma how you been?" I looked at Exotic and she was smirking I licked my tongue at her winking and she chuckled shaking her head. "I am good even better I'm about to have a grandson" I nodded
"This is a really nice house baby" I smiled "Thank you ma I wanted to get something bigger so well will have plenty of room we're going to need it " I wiggled my eyebrows at Exotic who snorted. "Yup that's true"

Can't Express Myself (Roddy Ricch)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu