Ready to Pop

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I talked keisha into a breakfast at a California street cafe. I sat at the table with a view of the streets it was by the beach and i could also watch the waves. "Hey exotic" i looked at Keisha and got up to give her a hug she had her arms out.i gave her a light hug and we sat down. I was pretending to have a lunch set up with her i had people snapping pitcures and posting them so they would flood the internet when Keisha turned up deads.  "Hi  tanya i will be your server today what can i get for you" I ordered my good and waited for Keisha to order trying not to look nervous.
"I have missed you so much" i nodded looking at Keisha my was on autopilot i excused myself to the bathroom and thats when i heard it the unmistakable pop of a gun. I came out and keisha was dead i acted distraught like u should have considering i was hear to mend my relationship with her. The streets and I really knew the truth though it was a statement if thought about talking to the feds or police dont.

"So what was your relationship with her like?" I looked at the police officer "We were coming here to mend things she slept with my baby father and she was also the godmother to my child but we were tight before that she was lik a sister to me"
The female detective looked at me "sheesh my apologies for everything your going through" she actually looked at me with pity which i aint gone lie made me feel a way. We wrapped everything with them  i  told them she had been acting weird like she was on drugs.
I got in my car thinking my  mind was racing i started driving and when i came to i was at Roddy's house where he had been staying he had the kids. I got out the car and knocked on the door. I knew Keisha had to die but it still fucked with me as the years of her and me being thick as thieves rolled through my mind. 

I answered the door it was Exotic she looked out of it i could only imagine what she was feeling. I grabbed her in for a hug. "Its going to be okay. " I let her in bringing her to the couch. "Are you okay?" She leaned up against me but didn't say a word. Roddy came downstairs "finally got the Rugrats trio to sleep" he saw Exotic and he was about to say something stupid until i shot  him and evil glare. "Have you eaten anything Exotic?" He asked "I'm not hungry its done Keisha's dead"
I rubbed her hair "Are you sleepy i can get you set up in a guest room?" She looked at me and she busted out crying "its okay" i tubbed her hair and back until she fell asleep.

I kind of felt bad seeing exotic so distraught over having to have Keisha killed. "You think she going to be mad at me when she wakes up?" I asked Allie she blew  "She is in emotional pain Roddy and all you think about is yourself" i looked at allie i was offended but she was right i was being an asshole. I went upstairs to watch TV. Since allie was acting as Exotics caregiver which i could see because she was pregnant. I texted bibby letting him know she was here but emotional and sleep. I told him Keisha was not a issue anymore in code. He texted back thanks for letting allie look after her while he took care of some business.  I knew what that meant he was ridding his crew of rats and leaks.

Exotic woke up "hey you okay?"
She nodded smiling at me i couldnt help myself i pecked her lips quickly. "Where's Roddy ?"
"He is upstairs watching tv" i pushed hair out of her face. "Thank you allie im okay i do need to pee though" i nodded helping her up. We heard a splash and i looked down "Allie my water just broke" i screamed at the top of my lungs for Roddy
He ran down stairs "ok um you drive her to the hospital while i text bibby and get the kids together.

I was calm for the most part allie was trying her best not to freak out. "Would you stop looking at me im fine you need a chill pill allie"She looked at me "We are almost there do you have a fever?" I busted out laughing "Girl what ?" She started laughing too.  "Well shit do you feel normal like the other pregnancies?" I nodded i had called bibby and told him i was about to give birth.

I grunted a contraction hit hard "Damn you okay?" I looked at allie  and nodded we finally made it to the hospital and they set me up with an epidural which i was grateful for because thus was my biggest baby i ever was giving birth to.

I was rushing on my way to the hospital . I was nervous and excited that i was about to meet my mini me . I made it to the hospital and she was in her gown looking beautiful. "Hey bae" i kissed her forehead,she was sweaty. "You okay baby?" I made sure she has ice chips and cold water. She shook her head" this is is it". I kissed her the nurse came in "your dilated its almost time"

I felt bad i didn't have chance to ask her about everything with Keisha. I know it hurt her deep down even if she didn't show it.
I held her hand as she pushed . "One more push" her eyes crossed and she looked in my eyes gathering her strength and pushed.

"Congratulations its a boy" she was the first to hold him his skin tone matched mine Exotic kissed him passing him to me he opened his eyes he had blue eyes just like mine. "Benjamin" i said the name looking at Exotic she nodded smiling at me i kissed his cute face. He started smacking his lips and i gave him to her to nurse. I went out smiling "Its a boy" i was so happy.

I congratulated Bibby a part of me hoped the baby could have been mine i finally let Exotic go it was the best thing for both of us.
"Thank yall for everything i will hit yall up when its time for us to take Benjamin home." I nodded and grabbed Allie and we left  on the drive home Allie looked at me but didn't say anything that's what i loved about her she just let me be even when her female intuition told her something.

I put my hand on her thigh and she covered it with hers. Once we got the kids settled i called Donbo trying to figure out the other loose ends. I knew sooner or later i was going to have to talk to 12  about Keisha. I had a drink thinking about Exotic she was no longer mines but i loved what me and Allie had. I found her in the kitchen making tacos. "Ohhh i know these finna be bussin on the set." She started laughing letting me taste her homemade sauce. "Its good as always"i helped her finish the food so we could eat.

I was happy as hell my body was finally my own again and i had a healthy baby boy. I finished nursing him and put him to sleep. Bibby had his hands out for him again. "Would you calm down i carried him?" I gave birth to Benjamin a couple weeks early but the doctors said he was healthy and normal.

"You should get some rest baby i got him" i smiled at bibby he was crazy about our soon. He got up and kissed me making me blush. "You given me the the greatest gift i can ask for" i dozed off inyo a peaceful sleep happy and content with my life.

Me and allie was laid up i had out it on her and she was happy halfway sleep . Donbo hit my phone "Yeah i found some info you remember that nigga Yah L from the hood thats where our problems coming from . I blew a ling breath and ran my hand down my face. "its always a hating nigga in the set".

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