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Chapter 7 - Simply Observing

That fucking smile.

It did not leave Jasper's mind. His brain was repeating that sweet innocent smile again and again. A frustrated groan escaped his mouth. He ruffled his hair, trying to clear his mind. A little minx, he cursed.

He also had started to dream about her, or just imagine her around him in a daze. Fucking siren, he continued cursing, trying to get her out of the mind. But it didn't work.

He didn't want it to work.

"Enter," he commanded.

Raj came forward and placed another file containing more in-depth information about Iris. Glancing at the frustrated face of his boss, he gulped in nervousness. He felt awful for the girl about how his bosses were invading her privacy, but he couldn't stop it. He valued his life more.

Humans are selfish.


Raj bowed when he saw Elias entering the room. His eyes focused on Elias's bloody knuckles. *sigh* Someone again suffered through his boss's hands.

Elias was angry and frustrated. He took out all his frustration on torturing the people for the last three days. The number increased by twice, and his methods turned even more sadistic and brutal. It was as if he had brought purgatory on earth.

People working for them shuddered in fear when they looked at the hell he created.

Edward and Kai, who have accompanied the brother for the past ten years as their bodyguard, had never seen them this... intense while taking their frustration out. Neither had they seen them so invested in a woman.

They had noticed how the bosses would stare blankly at the girl's photo or murmur her name as if it's a chant that brought salvation to their tainted soul.

Such a frenzy state made them terrified more than when the brothers went on a killing spree.

Jasper was scheming through the file. They placed multiple pictures of Iris in it. His hands trailed over her face as if trying to feel it was her actual face. 'I need her.' he narrowed his eyes at the pictures, a dark glint flashing through them. His patience was running thin.

He needed her soon. Or he was sure he would go crazy.

Elias poured himself a glass of bourbon. Savoring the acidic taste that burned his throat. His grip tied on the glass, his bloody knuckles whitening. He took a few photos of her observing them. He set them aside carefully, picking up the pages that contained information.

Relationship Status: single

That was the crucial fact he wanted to learn. He didn't care if she had boy toys around her before. But if they come closer to her now, they will die a fucking miserable death. He will rip their throat out while they choke on his Rolex.

She was theirs, and he was going to make sure of it- willingly or not.


Iris was laid comfortably as a wrapped cocoon in her bed.

She didn't wish to wake up. *ding* Her phone screen lit up. It was her next assignment. Reluctantly she got up.

Find the information about Mr. Fox allegedly cheated on his wife. Proof required for divorce.

What a jerk. She frowned at the mind. Iris didn't understand why people cheat in a relationship. She had never been in one to understand the emotions of being and relying on someone. She doesn't even think she wants to be in a relationship.

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