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Chapter 58. Twisted Love

[after Katrina dies]

Jasper's gaze remained fixed on their mother's lifeless form, devoid of remorse. The twisted satisfaction in his eyes sent shivers down the guard's spine as if he relished the sight of her demise.

To him, it was a long-awaited liberation, the final severing of a toxic bond that had plagued their lives for far too long. Good riddance, he thought coldly, his heart encased in ice.

"Check the system to which the cameras are connected and track the signal," Elias commanded.

Elias's mind raced his thoughts in a chaotic whirlwind as he contemplated the possibilities. He knew the lengths to which they would go to protect her, to bring her back into their arms.

Sanity teetered on the precipice, ready to crumble under the weight of their relentless obsession. The thought of never seeing Iris again, never feeling the warmth of her touch or hearing the softness of her voice, was an unthinkable reality that would drive him to the edge of madness.

Please be safe, Iris.

Boss, I have the location," the voice crackled over the radio, cutting through the tension-laden air.

Jasper and Elias exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes filled with determination and righteous fury. This was it—the place where Iris might be held captive.

The roar of their engines filled the night as they sped towards their destination. The darkness seemed to cling to their vehicles, shrouding them in an aura of impending violence.

Inside, each of their men gripped their weapons tightly, their fingers itching for the confrontation that awaited them. Guns were strapped to their sides, knives gleaming menacingly in their skilled hands.

The moment they arrived, chaos erupted. With a thunderous crash, they forcefully kicked open the doors, shards of splintered wood flying through the air. Their presence was announced with a hail of gunfire and the metallic clang of blades meeting flesh. It was a brutal ballet of combat, a dance of vengeance.

Liwei's men, prepared for the onslaught, met them head-on. The clash of bodies reverberated through the dimly lit space, punctuated by the sharp cracks of gunshots. Blood splattered across the walls, painting macabre patterns as lives were extinguished with ruthless efficiency.

The air was thick with the acrid scent of gunpowder and the stench of death, an unsettling symphony that accompanied their relentless pursuit.

Jasper and Elias fought side by side, their movements synchronized as if they shared a single mind.

Their eyes burned with fierce determination, their muscles honed through years of training and experience.

Their determination fueled their steps, their pace quickening as they approached a heavy steel door. With a swift kick, the door swung open, revealing a dimly lit room beyond.

Jasper's voice lowered to a growl. "We're here, Elias. It is the moment we've been waiting for."

Elias nodded, his eyes glinting with anticipation. "No more games. No more delays. It ends now."


Liwei's heart pounded in his chest as the sounds of chaos intensified. Gunshots echoed through the building, signaling the escalating battle.

With every shot fired, his determination grew. He couldn't let Iris fall back into the clutches of those monsters—the ones who had violated her and stripped away her innocence.

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