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Chapter 54. Breaking Promises [part 2]

The brothers put their wife to sleep as they moved to their office.

The room exuded an air of tension as the brothers escorted their slumbering wife to her resting place, ensuring her tranquility before retreating to their office.

Edward, Elvis, and Jane, the loyal guards, stood alongside, their gazes fixed upon the brothers with a mix of apprehension and curiosity.

Shadows danced along the walls, intensifying the weight of the moment and heightening their senses.

Within the room's hushed ambiance, a sense of foreboding lingered, intertwining with the guards' whispered hopes for the return of the brothers' volatile nature.

The absence of noise was deafening, intensifying the disquiet that settled upon them like a suffocating shroud. They could no longer rely on the raucous symphony of destruction to glean insights into their masters' minds, their uncertainty growing with each passing moment.

Time seemed suspended and elongated as the brothers stood motionless, their gazes locked in an enigmatic dance with invisible specters. A tempest brewed within their beings, a vortex of emotions threatening to consume all in its path.

The guards were adept at deciphering the Sinclair brothers' intentions and found themselves adrift, their instincts silenced by the profound mystery that enveloped the room.

The guards, Edward, Elvis, and Jane, remained on high alert, their eyes fixed upon their masters, awaiting the storm that lurked beneath the surface. Little did they know that the true battle was not one fought with fury and broken objects but one waged within the brothers' tortured souls.

"Is that woman brought here?" Elias finally spoke after a prolonged silence, his voice carrying an undertone of darkness and impending doom.

Jane lowered her head in deference, her gaze fixed on the ground as she confirmed, "Yes, she is in the basement. She is not conscious anymore."

Elias emitted a low, contemplative hum, his eyes reflecting impenetrable darkness that concealed his true intentions. His mind, an enigma to those around him, carried the weight of an imminent reckoning.

The unspoken consensus echoed through the room, conveying the certainty that the woman's transgression would get met with a punishment so merciless it chilled the very air.

Jasper's eyes remained locked onto the illuminated screen; his focus unwavering as he monitored the peaceful slumber of his beloved wife. Yet, a jolt of alarm coursed through his veins as he witnessed her agitated state, her form writhing within the sheets.

His eyes widened in a panic-driven realization, propelling him into swift action. Elias, too, tore his gaze away from the screen, captivated by the same disquieting sight.

They bolted from the room, their hurried footsteps resonating through the empty corridors as they raced toward her. Fear was etched deeply into their expressions, mirroring the intensity of their love and devotion.

As they reached her side, their hearts thudding, they were met with a vision of vulnerability—a woman trembling, her face stained with tears. In her plea for mercy, they recognized the lingering echoes of a tormenting nightmare, stirring a mix of compassion and righteous fury within their souls.

"Liwei... I... I don't know..." she whimpered, her hands instinctively wrapping around her throat as if suffocating under the weight of confusion.

The raw desperation in her voice seeped through the fabric of her nightmare, a haunting cry for respite. Her words, heavy with sorrow, reverberated through the darkness as she surrendered to the consuming grasp of her fears and anguish.

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