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Chapter 14 - Getting a taste

Iris woke on the soft silk bed. She rubbed her eyes.

It had been two weeks since they brought Iris here. They had been 'fairly' patient with her, not touching her in the slightest. At least since the last incident, when they gave her a chance to leave. It felt as if all her hopes shattered, even if she tried her best.

The brothers were preparing for something. They enjoyed her misery, like sadistic brutes they were. It brought them the immense pleasure that she was slowly accepting that she can't leave. Now and forever.

She spent around half a day locked up in the library, lost in her thoughts. Burying her head in the fantasy world. She avoided them as much as possible. Even the brother, being considerate, didn't come near her, giving her ample time to get used to living here.

Seeing her no protests of leaving, the brothers had finally lowered their guard. Even if she attempted, it would turn futile.

A day had not passed. Iris didn't think of leaving. She missed her freedom, her will to do anything she wished. She just didn't dare to voice it out after the maze incident. They were slowly killing all her dreams, so she would have no choice but to accept the fact she couldn't leave.

The maid bowed when she saw Iris enter the kitchen. "How may I help you, miss?" she politely asked. "I-I am hungry," Iris whispered. The maid's eyes grew warmer; she wanted the child to eat more.

"What would you like?" She asked with a smile. "Mac n cheese," Iris answered. It was her comfort food.

"Let me grab some pasta from the pantry," the maid excused. That's what Iris needed. A distraction. The maid had forgotten her phone on the countertop. She felt bad for using the maid, but she was desperate to leave.

Iris grabbed the phone and walked to a desolate area of the castle. She dialed a number.

*ring* *ring*

"Hello Flint," she immediately spoke. Her voice was a whisper yet fast with urgency. 

"Iris is that you! Girl, you went MIA for two weeks after asking for a new identity. Luckily, Rhea is in France, and I make reasons so that she doesn't eat up my head asking about you. I have told her you are preparing a birthday surprise for her and you can't lie to her, so she is avoiding you not to let slip. As lame as it sounds. I have been worried sick about you, two weeks and no message or a single call. What is going on, Iris?" Flint ranted in a breath.

"Sorry I needed to get that out," he let out a deep sigh. "Iris, are you safe?" he worriedly asked. "What do you want me to do?" he asked again.


Someone grabbed her from her hands. Iris whipped her head, her eyes growing wide as saucers seeing the pissed look on Elias's face.

This time, they caught her even before she attempted anything. Her face contorted in distress. She bit her lip in nervousness.

"You are growing bold. Should we clip your wings before you fly?" Jasper coldly sneered. A dry laugh escaped his lips. Iris's face paled at his bitter words.

"Iris! IRIS!" Flint's worried yells could be heard from the phone. Elias's grip tightened around the phone till the screen cracked. He threw the phone to the wall. It shattered into multiple pieces, just like her hope.

Jasper and Elias looked at Iris with their pissed scowl. Iris took a step back from them in the fear they would hurt her. Elias took a step closer to her. Iris took a step back. Like the twisted bastard he was, he smirked at the scene.

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