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Chapter 48. Redemption

Iris sat in the garden, the warm sun shining down on her and the sound of birds chirping in the background

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Iris sat in the garden, the warm sun shining down on her and the sound of birds chirping in the background. She had a book in her hand, her favorite one in fact, and she was engrossed in its pages.

Iris smiled at Zuko's bark, "You're a cute pup, Zuko," she said as she continued to stroke his fur. She was enjoying the peace of the garden, the gentle breeze carrying the scent of blooming flowers.

Zuko was content just being near her, feeling the warmth of the sun on his fur, and the softness of the grass beneath him.

Zuko was content just being near her, feeling the warmth of the sun on his fur, and the softness of the grass beneath him

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Zuko moved closer, his nose nuzzling into her hand as she continued to pet him. She leaned in, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead, and he responded with a wag of his tail.

"You know, Zuko," Iris said, her voice gentle. "I sometimes wish people were as simple as dogs. They never hold grudges or keep secrets; they love you no matter what."

Zuko looked up at her with his big, brown eyes and barked softly. Iris chuckled at his response, "I know, silly me, right?"

She opened her book and started to read, with Zuko laying by her side, occasionally rolling over for a belly rub. The two of them stayed in the garden for hours, enjoying each other's company and the peaceful surroundings.

Iris couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. She looked up from her book and ran her hand through his thick fur.

Zuko's tail began to wag excitedly, and he lifted his head to lick her face. Iris laughed and nuzzled her nose into his fur, taking in the scent of the outdoors mixed with his musky aroma.

As she continued to read, Zuko would occasionally get up and wander around the garden before returning to her for more pets and rubs. Iris happily obliged, scratching behind his ears and rubbing his belly.

"You're such a good boy," Iris cooed, scratching behind his ears, causing Zuko to growl in relaxation. Her eyes twinkled with joy as she nuzzled her nose in his soft fur, feeling the love and loyalty emanating from her furry companion.

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