Chapter Two: Ice Cold

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I arrived at the teacher's work area so I could have my teacher lead me to where I needed to go. After a bit of a conversation about the rules and the schedule and some other little things that I would need to know. After that was out of the way, we head on over to the classroom for introductions and for class to get started. Entering the room, nothing really seemed to be different than what I was used to in America, other than just standard room look. Eager and ready to begin, I stand where my teacher told me to, and waited for them to introduce me.

"Alright class, starting today we have a new student. He is foreign so if any of you treat him horribly because of his looks or anything else, you won't hear the end of it." She then gestured to me to introduce myself.

"Hello everyone! My name is (Y/N) (L/N)! I hope that we all can get along!" I say with excitement visible on my face. The teacher then points over to where I am to be seated.

"You can sit in the window seat right behind Issei. Issei, could you stand up please." She asks the student.

"Yes ma'am!" He sputters out as he stands. Well, what do you know? We are in the same class.

As I walk over to my seat, I greet him once more. "Nice to see you again. At least I have someone I know here."

"I know the feeling." He sighs. As I sit down, I begin to hear the girls of the class begin to start their gossip. I was a bit surprised that it started this soon, as well as it being what it was.

"He knows the super pervert? And I was hoping that we would get a normal one for once."

"I know, right? Do you think he's corrupted or is it just chance? He does look cute though so I hope he's not a hopeless pervert."

"Let's be honest, he probably is one." That one hurt the most out of all of them. There were a few other ones that I could understand but this was the one that I actually followed. As I slummed into my chair, I can hear the teacher call for all the students to be quiet. I just pull out the required materials and began my new school life, one that might have already been ruined. I mean, I don't really care for the public opinion, it just hurts to hear.

Classes were as boring as usual. Other than the slight changes in how things work here, I didn't really have many issues with class. I also didn't have any issues following the material, other than a few lost in translation moments, so I had a breeze in class. It didn't take too long for lunch time to arrive. I had packed a sandwich in my backpack/case thing, so I take it out and just begin to eat for a little. Issei turns around in his desk and begins to talk to me.

"How's your first day of class going so far?"

"Well, I can't complain. So far, I know most of the material so I didn't really know what to do other than just review what I know and attempt to take notes in Japanese." I show him my notebook, where around a fourth of the way, it turns from Japanese to English. "You can see how well that went..." I let out a sigh of defeat as I take another bite of food.

"Yikes. Well, you'll get better. Hey, you wanna go somewhere? It'll cheer you up a bit." He has a slight grin on his face as he gives his suggestion.

"Where?" I ask, completely confused.

Leaning into my ear, he whispers, "To go peep in on the girls."

"Hell no! No I don't want to do that! You have fun with your perverted ways. I am going to enjoy my sandwich while you be a pervert." I accidentally shouted the first bit in English, but quickly corrected myself.

"Suit yourself then, I'll be back in a little while." Issei hums to himself as he walks out of the classroom with a spring in his step.

After he left, I mumbled to myself, "He wears his perverseness like a badge of honor... well, at least he knows what kind of person he is." I retuned to my food, when I feel someone's gaze on me. It wasn't some of the girls from my class, I could tell. The gaze felt more... judgmental ... The others feel more curious. It feels like as if they think I'm a threat. The thought made me chuckle.

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