Chapter Seven: Still Human

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This place is massive! I feel like I could just walk for hours and never discover everything this place has. I feel like I'd get lost on my way to the many toilets here. Living here is going to take a lot of learning, plus having to do training everyday. While I'm thankful to have an actual house to live in, other than Issei, I'm the only other guy here.

The inside just feels like a mansion, which isn't saying much since it basically is a mini version of one. It felt like I was just suddenly in the future! Even the entrance was just breath taking. A dual staircase spiting off from a single one? Sign me the fuck in. Even my room was massive! It's easily more that half my home in the states in square footage. Considering I have like nothing, the whole thing just feels empty so I leave after I unpack my clothes and walk out into the halls.

As I wonder around, attempting to learn the layout, I think back to events that lead up to this... Koneko clinging to me and then just going to meet the whole peerage. It was a wild experience...


After Koneko had let go of my arm, she quickly got up and headed over to the door, no doubt embarrassed as to what she was doing. Appreciate being though as important but that was embarrassing for me as well. I didn't really know how to react to being held.

"A-anyway, we should go to the meeting area. Rias is probably waiting for us there." She seemed to want to drop this as quickly as possible, so I obliged.

"Yeah... let's go..." I didn't want her to let go... I wish I could have experienced that forever, but alas, it was not meant to be. She's way out of my league anyway, and we barely know each other. It's better this way, for now at least.

We leave the room together and head down the hall to the main area of the building. Opening the doors revealed a large room with a desk on the opposite side of the room and two couches facing each other. A rather plain yet fancy table in between the two with a teapot and teacups on top. 4 cups to be exact. Issei was there, not to my surprise, along with some other people who I assumed were a part of the club as well.

A total of 6 people were inside the room, 8 including myself and Koneko. A couple of them I had seen in the halls before, while a few were completely new faces. With all of them looking at me, it's hard to tell what emotion each stare was from but I didn't feel anything that made me feel scared or like they were judging me. All of them felt like they were welcoming, with one being apologetic. I can discern who that last emotion belonged to, as I've been feeling it as we walked here. I wonder why she feels sorry for this?

"Welcome in." Rias was the first to speak. She simply smiled from the chair she was in, being the one behind the desk. A black haired person stood off to her side. Akeno, the one person here who I was most afraid to see. She didn't really feel all that defensive right now, so I guess becoming a devil might have eased her worries a bit. Moving onto the couch, Issei sat in between two girls. One being Xenovia with the other being unfamiliar to me. I assume she would be Asia, since that was the only name I was unfamiliar with during Koneko's explanation. On the other couch sat another guy, not a member of the pervert brigade. In fact, he was quite the looker. If I was a girl or gay, I'd fall for him on the spot. I'm not though, so I'm just jealous.

Koneko goes to sit down on the couch next to the other guy, I'm assuming so I feel a bit more comfortable sitting down without having a stranger next to me. I silently thank her, even if that wasn't her intention, and sit down next to her. Once I get comfy, she scoot a bit closer to me. Not a whole lot, but enough to have less than an inch gap between us. She really didn't give me much room in the first place, but I didn't mind. If she wants this, I'm not gonna complain. It's the most attention from a girl I've ever gotten and that just makes me sad and happy at the same time.

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