Chapter Three: Learning the Routine

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It's been a few days since I arrived at the school. My teacher already has been asking some students if they are able to house me for the duration of my stay. Since it was a bit last minute, they only managed a hotel room for now. I don't mind, but I would like them to hurry. Hotel beds are awful and my back is aching like crazy. Issei and I have been hitting it off and became really good friends despite his... personality, and I cleared my name of being a pervert after homeroom.

I have a few people, mostly girls, come up to me to ask a bit about me. I try my best to answer them all, but right before the class ended just before lunch, I felt it again... it didn't last long, and because I was talking, I couldn't try and find them. After they left, class started. I try my best to focus but I just kept trying to figure out WHY someone would want to stalk me.

Lunch rolls around and Issei is eating with the pervert platoon. I decide to go get a meal at the cafeteria and look around for Koneko. I'm curious about her, and honestly I just wanna get closer to her. Unfortunately, after scanning the room, I couldn't find her. She's probably not at the cafeteria, so I give up the search for her and start to head to where Issei is. Despite the possibility of being labeled as a perv again, his company means a lot to me.

As I'm walking over to our usual spot, there was one person who ended up catching my attention. Her short blue hair with a single green strip was very unique, with her dark yellow eyes that made me feel like they were eyes of gold. However, that wasn't what caught my attention, nor was her massive *ahem* assets. It was her gaze. They resembled that of someone who had everything taken from her, with only one thing keeping her going, not to mention how they seem to be judging everything she gazed on.

'Could she be the one who's been watching me?' My question was quickly answered. If she was the one staring, I would have left Japan a long time ago.

She looked over at me, and all I could feel was the need to run. She's strong, much stronger than I could ever imagine. Hell, she could probably give the strongest man alive a run for his money! That feeling terrified me, but it felt familiar...

"Excuse me." The spoke with a rather straight forward tone. It was soothing, yet I couldn't get the feeling from her stare to go away.

"U-um, yes? Is there s-something you need?" My words seemed to be as nervous as myself.

"I was wondering if you were the new transfer student, (Y/N) (L/N)?" Her gaze seemed to become more judging now as she asked me that.

I could only nod in response. Every fiber in my being kept telling me to run as fast as I could, but I held my ground as to not be rude.

After looking me up and down, she says "You don't really seem like much..." Ow... my feelings. "Anyways, I have a favor I would like to ask you. Could you help out a little after school again? I'm in the same club as Issei and Koneko, so when I asked them, they told me you helped out with the box transportation."

"Uh, sure... I guess? What am I gonna do?"

"Sweeping and moping the floors." So you basically wanted to get out of doing your chores...

"*sigh* Sure. I said I would, so I shall." I was way to terrified to even think about trying to deny doing it, so she smiles a little bit and walks off.

"I owe you one, thanks." She continues on her way, as if she never even had that conversation with me.

That feeling from her glare... I've felt it before. I couldn't put my finger on who else had that aura as well, but I could definitely remember that I've felt it while walking around. What's weird is Issei also had that feeling, just on a much, much less intense than her. Speak of the devil...

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