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Well... this is awkward...

Hi. Hope you haven't forgotten about this story. As you can probably tell, I went on hiatus for a while, 'cause work is being an asshat. First things first, as much as I bitch and complain about work, I love the people there. I have nothing but respect and love for them giving me my first job, but I have my issues like everyone does. Not gonna say what because obvious is obvious.

To make a long story short, I am the all rounder now at work, and I can pretty much do everything minus like 3-4 things there. So I don't really ever know what shift I'll be filling in when. What happened was no surprise but it is frustrating they changed my position without warning me first. People left and now I have to carry their weight with my scrawny arms.

I didn't want to announce a hiatus cause I figured I could work in between work and downtime, but I have no energy lately. (Climbing up and down a 12 foot ladder is awful, especially when you do it for hours at a time and you never work out or do any exorcise to name ONE thing.) I did however take some actions, not with work, but at home. I got a work laptop! Now I'm not gonna be tempted to play games while I'm working, and I'll be able to work on this anywhere, since I have a tower PC and I'd rather use a keyboard. Yes I could use my phone, but I've been wanting to do this for a while now so don't worry about me spending money for a simple web novel. This was going to happen anyway.

Anyway TLDR: work's a bitch, I got a laptop, and now I'm continuing to write.

I'm also gonna update the title of this to have Slow Updates because... you already see why...

There should be a chapter posted almost immediately after this, so I hope you can forgive me about the lack of chapters. (Also sorry if the chapter wasn't worth the wait... I've been struggling with figuring it out for a while now).

Welp, I'll see you all when another chapter pops up eventually.

Rebirth (Koneko Toujou x Male Reader) [INCONSISTENT UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now