Chapter Eight: Routine

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An alarm could be heard throughout the room. To be honest, I forgot I even set one, but the loud beeping says otherwise. As I groggily slap around for my phone, I somehow managed to hit the stop button on the screen. My eyes open to yet another unfamiliar ceiling. I will never get used to this feeling. Getting out of bed took me a minute, since I've never slept on a bed this comfortable. It felt like if I got out, I would never be accepted by the sheets again.

"Let's get this day started then." I was told by Rias yesterday to have some training clothes on in the morning, so I put on some PT's and head on out to go eat some breakfast. I was gonna do some pushups, but as I don't know what training I'll be doing, I thought it best to leave it for now until I get used to everything. On my way over to the dining table, I bump into Issei.

"Yo, did you sleep well?" He waves to me as he approached. His smile always just causes me to chuckle, since it looks the same as when he's staring at boobs.

"Honestly, a bit too well. I pretty much knocked out the moment I got comfy. What the hell are those beds made of?"

"Dunno. Rias says that there's some materials from the devil world that helps induce sleep, but I wouldn't know what it was. I doubt she'd tell you anyways.

I just shrug. "Fair enough. Do you know what's for breakfast?"

"I think its a light breakfast today. Most likely just some soup and rice. Since its a day off from school, its a double training day for us."

That kinda scared me, but I don't think they'll put me through hell on the first day. Right?


After all of us had finished our meals, Koneko walks up to me. She was wearing a standard school gym uniform, which showed off quite a bit of her slender legs. "You ready to get started?"

"About as ready as anyone could. I'm a bit nervous since the most amount of workout I do daily is just some pushups, sit-ups and stretches." I let out a nervous chuckle to try and play it off, but she just smiles at me.

"Don't worry, I'll be your trainer, since I know a bit more about what needs to be done to be a good rook. We'll leave any durability training for now until we find out if there was an accident with the resurrection. Either way, it'll be light until you get used to it, then we will add more for you to do." Seems like standard procedures for a training regimen. Find you limit and work on improving it. I never had a reason to train seriously since all I trained was my mind, but seems like now that I could be a combatant, I really should try my best with this.

"Ready for whatever you throw at me!" I decided to joke around a bit and and salute her as if she were a drill instructor. I ended up hearing not only her laugh, but it seems like a few others were focused on our conversation.

"Good attitude. Now, get a few bottles of water and follow me." I nod at her command and the two of us go to the fridge and grab some water, then walked outside. We kept going for a while until we were in the forest. After what Koneko assumes was a good distance, she turns around with a smile on her face. "Are you ready?"

I nod. "I'll do my best to finish any task you throw at me!"

A smirk begins to spread her face. "I wouldn't get cocky yet. You haven't even heard anything about your training yet." Hearing that causes my fight or flight reflexes to kick in. It felt like as if it was the devil himself here to steal my soul. Despite that, I stood my ground.

"I'll do it. Even if it takes all day."

It was then, I heard the routine.


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