36. Newspaper Deliveries

62 7 18

Warning : mention of sexual assault

"You are a beautiful lady , Ms. Smith"

She grins , pleasantly and holds up the hand , bearing the ring

"Ah yes , future Mrs. Lavitsky"

His eyes flit across her face m she hold his gaze , her breath hitches. They shift together ; she falls backwards , he lowers himself down and she feels his lips touch hers.

She tastes vodka.

She hums in appreciation , his body weight compressing her, slightly uncomfortable. His fingers find purchase in her blouse , tensing as he begins to work the buttons of her blouse.

It's not enough.

She takes a fistful of his t-shirt and wrenches him a little closer forcing him to pick up the pace , their lips part and meet again. Fabrics falls to the floor , its slow. Excruciatingly slow , more deliberate and less carnal , it doesn't feel natural , not animalistic enough. She tires loosening her mind down to the simples functions of human cognition. His touch is softer , his fingers are softer , they were almost silky against her skin. Not like the rough ones she was used to , the pads of his fingers were moved with expertise and confidence. Ace's fingers on the other hand move carefully , testing the waters unknown.

Thinking about him feels like a crime and never has a crime felt so wrong in this situation-to a criminal at that.

This was different , he wasn't fast paced-given on a few occasions-rather his touch was cherishing , longing , owning.

Ace pulls away , without warning.

She looks at him , embarrassed "why did you stop?"

"You are thinking about him"


Ace raises an eyebrow , breathless.

Him , Lucas Marcelo Zavier.

"I can't even remember his name" She says , "You must be doing something right"

He chuckles , and she feels the reverberations in the cavity of her chest.

"I've had practice , you see"

"Oh" She says as she tilts her chin to re-initiate contact. "I know"

They fall together , he hits the sheets first , and she sighs with the rush of liquid warmth that accompanies the death of his mouth movement. It is a fervour she is not used to , its new , its hardly addicting. Her arms are lifted and pushed down into either side of the bed. She chooses to make a noise of appreciation.




"Do I need to know how many women you got through to perfect that?" she asks trying to contain the chaos in her head , as they break away.

"No" he says , his voice humming against her jugular "you do not"

She is not given the chance to dwell on this embarrassment.


"Is there anything you cannot do , Lisichka ?"

Victoria chuckles , her voice rough and her skull heavy.

Outside the snow taps longingly at the window , yearning for warmth , sacrificing its crystallized skeletons on the sheets of glass. Its dark outside. She doesn't think she has ever dared to expose herself to such a different form of...entanglement. She can't say she disliked it , it was genuine but different.

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