Chapter 18

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Hiya readers!! I hope everyone is doing fantastic. We have gotten snow here twice in a week but no classes have been cancelled. To be honest it wasn't a lot but I still wouldn't mind being able to sleep lol. Anywho, I have reached over 100 fans and I couldn't be happier! Thanks all of you that are fans and read my stories. I couldn't do it without you guys. This chapter is dedicated to sicklysweet12 becuase she was my 100th fan!!

Don't forget to vote and comment. I appreciate it :)

p.s.- it's short


Faye’s POV

            I knew something was off when I began to wake up. Without opening my eyes, I listened intently for anything. Emily would normally be banging around in the kitchen. There was no heat coming from beside me where Embry would be laying. It wasn’t just the sounds that were off. The feel of my sheets weren’t as scratchy as they usually were. The silky texture was actually uncomfortably smooth against my skin. I wasn’t used to it.

            I slowly opened my eyes expecting the sun to be blaring through my window but the room I was in was dim. The sunlight tried to peek around the heavy curtains against the window to no avail. It gave me just enough light to really get a good look at the room.

            The bed I was laying on was covered in an array of pink shades. The room wasn’t much better. It was overtly girly. The walls were the same horrible shade of pink that reminds me of bubble gum before the color’s been chewed out of it. The bed was a canopy style, the four bedposts reaching towards the ceiling and then connecting to make a square. A sheer, white cloth hung haphazardly from the connectors.

            The rest of the room was piled with different pieces of furniture. A dresser was set in the corner. On top sat a vanity mirror. Across from the bed, a door was cracked open and from the looks of it, the door led to a closet. Along the far wall near the window was a small couch that looked comfortable just from looking at it. Glancing once more around the room, my nose scrunched up. Anyone who knew me would know this room reflected nothing about me. I actually hated it.

            Where am I? I thought as I slowly removed the sheets from me. Looking down I was happy to see that I was still wearing yesterday’s clothes. The only thing missing were my shoes. As I stood, a small pain pulsed on the top of my head. “Ow,” I said rubbing the spot that ws now throbbing.

            Suddenly, everything came back. The Stark pack coming to take me. The son the Alpha wanted me to marry. The fight. The wolf with the green eyes. Emily passing out. Me being taken. I gasped as it all flashed through my mind, the pain increasing in my head. When it subsided enough for me to regain focused, I looked around the room with a new purpose. I needed to get out of here before anyone came to see if I was up.  

A Rogue Imprint (Seth Clearwater Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora