Chapter 2

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For my lovely readers, here is chapter 2!! Seth will have an appearance and a POV but he doesn't meet Faye yet but soon.



             It had been about a week since the adoption day and I was packing my suitcase with the only belongings that I had. A few articles of clothing and the old picture of my parents were all I owned. The only shoes that I had were a ratty pair of tennis shoes that I had picked up from a adoption home in Nebraska.


If you would have said that Sam and Emily were going to decide to adopt me, I would have laughed in your face. Janice told me the day after the adoption day that they had inquired to adopt me. She gave me the choice to turn them down but I was too much in shock to say anything which she took as my accepting it.


To say I was nervous that I was leaving to go home with them today is an understatement. I haven’t been able to really go outside and be in the woods for ten years. I missed it. What I was really worried about though was the fact that they would technically be in charge of me. I would be joining a new pack because I can’t stay on their land without doing so. I didn’t have a choice.


I was alone in my room when Janice came to get me. “Sam and Emily are here for you dear. Are you ready to go?” she asked. I stood up from my bed and grabbed the suitcase in my hand. I nod in response and follow her out. I could hear kids from all corners of the building playing and laughing. No one would miss me. No one was even going to tell me bye but I wasn’t going saying anything in return.


I stepped outside onto the front steps of the building right behind Janice. It was hot outside today. Not boiling hot like it was in Arizona but it was a nice warmth. Apparently Seattle is one of the rainiest places in the United States which meant that it never got super hot. Lucky for me, the summer had just started so I wouldn’t have to automatically go into the public school in Sam and Emily’s town. After ten years of being homeschooled through the adoption centers, being back in public school will be an interesting experience.


Sam and Emily were standing next to a small white car. It was an older model Ford but it was in good shape. Emily had a big smile on her face and Sam wasn’t quite as happy but he still had a small smile on his face.


Emily came up to the bottom of the steps where I had just stopped. I wasn’t sure if she was going to try to go in for a hug. Most the time I tense up when anyone does just out of habit. She refrained from it however and instead just put a hand on my shoulder.


“I’m so glad that you will be coming to live with us. Here, let Sam take your bag,” Emily said gesturing at Sam to take my suitcase which he didn’t hesitate to do. It made me smile internally because he was totally whipped. It was kind of sweet.

A Rogue Imprint (Seth Clearwater Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ