Chapter 6

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Here we go!! Whew what a few days. I'm going on break from school for a few days tommorrow which I'm happy about. Maybe if I get a few comments and votes, I'll upload the next chapter Friday?! Just a thought. Do with that what you will lol



         “Where have you been?” Sam demanded coming up to me once I had walked through the back door. Emily was standing behind him looking at me worried. I wasn’t sure what was going on. I told her I was going out.

            “I told Emily that I was going outside and would be back shortly,” I replied with a shrug. Maybe Emily forgot she talked to me? I felt Seth step into the house behind me but Sam kept his eyes on me. It was like Seth wasn’t even there.

            “You said you’d be home soon not three hours later,” Sam said. I was shocked. My eyes shot to the clock above the kitchen sink. He was right. I had been out there for longer than I had thought. I guess I lost track of time with all the thinking and talking to Seth.

            “I’m sorry I really just didn’t think about the time. Seth startled me out in the woods and we talked for a little while. We must have lost track of the time,” I explained. I didn’t want them to be mad at me especially since I had been here for only a short amount of time. What if they sent me back to the adoption agency? That thought shot panic through my heart and it started beating erratically. “Please don’t send me back.”

            “What?!” Emily and Sam said together. Emily stepped out from behind Sam to wrap her arms around me. “We aren’t sending you back. We were just worried when you weren’t back,” Emily said soothingly. It helped calm me down and I let out a sigh.

            I looked over her shoulder at Sam, his eyes now trained on Seth who had been standing by the back door the whole time. “And you? Why didn’t you answer my call? We have some trouble,” Sam said sternly. I pulled away from Emily and glanced at Seth. I hadn’t heard his phone go off and what kind of trouble? I listened intently and realized that the pack was no longer occupying the house.

            “I wasn’t in wolf form for long. After I saw Faye outside, I shifted so I could talk to her. I didn’t want to scare her. I didn’t realize…I’m sorry Sam,” Seth said quickly trying to make up for it.

            “It’s fine Seth. There was a breach on the southern border. Some rogue vampires crossed and the others are down there. We are leaving now to help,” Sam responded giving his head a nod for him to get going. Seth gave me a quick glance before bolting out the door. Sam walked up to Emily’s side and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll be back soon,” he said then followed Seth out closing the door behind him.

A Rogue Imprint (Seth Clearwater Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ